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  1. MrLion

    Flowering and such- NY grow

    Cause it's more intimate of a relationship to your plants to have a few just to toke down yourself. With that many plants its much harder to manipulate the plants into individual perfection. And only the greedy or needy sell their ambrosia. I'm the needy so im fairly hippocrytical oh well...
  2. MrLion

    Popo's Seed Strain, 1st grow!

    all look female to me dont cut anything off but clones dont throw any away their fine be sure to get rootiong hormone preferablle gel
  3. MrLion

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    Yes got some of my own in the ground. Quick question How big you dig your holes and did u use dullmite in soil. Just flush droopy with pure water a week or so And ad some Vita B1 after that
  4. MrLion

    Popo's Seed Strain, 1st grow!

    Very arrogant for a first timer. I know when to use nutes and what type to use and bloom during the Veg cycle is not right. and COLAs are the top bud not the main shoot THe BUD. Dont act like your a natural grower Be Humbol dt
  5. MrLion

    Popo's Seed Strain, 1st grow!

    O.K. there is alot of things for you to learn. 1. No Nutes except Vitamin B1 for first 4-5 weeks. 2. I have never ever seen some of those kinds of plants in your grow are they all Marijuana? should not try trimming first time just grow and get down GROWING you are in for a long journey.4...
  6. MrLion

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    no prob. outdoor growing is completely different than indoor first in the summer months depending on temp your soil will likely dry very quick and plants unkept can be found almost completely wilted no fear if this haappens water restores. second mold isn't as likely in summer but unfortunately...
  7. MrLion

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    First and foremost your plants will be around Waist height, Sorry but pounds of each started out at that height is nothing short of a shoot for the stars. In my experience only a few foot tall plant at start will yeild that that much WHich is an incredible amount in the first place. One major...
  8. MrLion

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    Purp Urk is killer it was made by a guy that grows like 10 miles away from me. Killer bud if grown right. a personal favorite due to its taste and potency. Not a massive yeilder. very compact buds.
  9. MrLion

    hermaphrodite problem

    maybe you should learn some stuff about growing before you ask off topic questions and waste our precious growing time. Seriously..... be productive if not for yourself, for the sake of productivity.
  10. MrLion

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    Water mor often your soil is bone dry you want it to still be moist. Finally you put in that flouro light. for like twenty bucks you could get a double. You'll be surprised with the amount of growth it generates. I currently have Two double Cool white flouro, very cheap on utility and no heat.
  11. MrLion

    hermaphrodite problem

    And for you, Duhhh when did anyone say you could get males out of a Herm. Some strains, in order to keep the bloodline, have to be Herm for example {GrapeXskunk or Grunk} THis means their seeds almost 90% of time are herm. never male
  12. MrLion

    hermaphrodite problem

    No I said nothing of Goddamn seeds. I "specifically" said female plant. this makes them grow the male flower. Gibberelins is one of the 5 main plant hormones and a spray of solution is used on a single branch of the plant to make female Grow male part. and furthermore seeds soaked in...
  13. MrLion

    hermaphrodite problem

    It is very true that Hermie seeds have higher inclinations of also becoming hermie. Out of the few ways to make feminized seeds the only i know of is the use of gibberellins on female to produce male organ further pollination with this pollen creates feminized seeds. This stemming from the fact...
  14. MrLion

    First time with salvia

    whats this concentration of the salvia? I smoked some medium grade shit my first time out of a double perc bong cleared a Fucking FAT Bowl, stood up and passsed the fuck out. Dream TRiPpn dude straight fallen into other world shit. I FUCKING have flashback type shit where i hit something sharp...
  15. MrLion

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    have you sexed them yet? get some Vita B1, makes healthy root growth plus vigorous root growth. keep the lights at two inches above no grow into the light (shock). Take It Easy dude.
  16. MrLion

    newbie starting..well almost newbie

    actually, bud, 50,000ppm is lethal and 600ppm is normal of a non-ventilated indoor room (with out plants.) extra light = faster growth +extra Bud. maybe look into a de-humidifier very helpful i have expereinced.
  17. MrLion

    1rst grow, 40 plants, 400 watts veg, 1000 watss bloom

    With the capacity of growth your 1000 have five gallon buckets would be recomended.give those girls a shake theyre pretty spindly!
  18. MrLion

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    If you want reflective in your "storage bin" paint the inside flat white. Those are extremely stunted. 80-87 degree is a bit on the high side. For this problem, for now, invest in some small flourescent tube lights ,Cool White, they produce very little heat. Try a foliar spray with just some...