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  1. StickyEnigma

    For sure. Been doing other bull crap. Well post new pictures within the next two hours.

    For sure. Been doing other bull crap. Well post new pictures within the next two hours.
  2. StickyEnigma

    BC99 at it again! Blue Cheese x LUSH , Peyote Purple x Tahoe Og, Chemband et al.

    I've learned the breakfast and brunch menu down. Know how to cook eight types eggs. Saggy titty troll lady made a funny about you not knowing how cook a egg and tossing your egg cross the kitchen. Ha good times, oh I stood up for you when she was trying be funny if you wanted to know. So I...
  3. StickyEnigma

    BC99 at it again! Blue Cheese x LUSH , Peyote Purple x Tahoe Og, Chemband et al.

    Just away for one weekend then I believe going for sure after a month or few weeks. Might have cancer or super aids, something like that. Ha. You should know by now how the bitch runs up in nar. Finally got a Prep/buster....That one short man syndrome guy quite. Stress lifted from my chest like...
  4. StickyEnigma

    BC99 at it again! Blue Cheese x LUSH , Peyote Purple x Tahoe Og, Chemband et al.

    I smoked salmon not to long ago it was yummy yummy. Well I'm glad you have a clean kitchen to work in...slowly improving mine...Boss Nass making me breakfast and brunch cook.
  5. StickyEnigma

    I've taken 1.7 g of shrooms. It was Amazing. double that? triple that?

    I ate 1/8 once(I think) trip some ballz but to busy throwing up my soul food back up....I shouldn't have pig out before hand.
  6. StickyEnigma

    male or female

    Don't really see signs of pistils just a sack in the first plant picture. Are they in 12/12 right meow??
  7. StickyEnigma

    What is Your Favorite Munchee?

    Beer or another bowl. But with hunger...Whatever in sight.
  8. StickyEnigma

    BC99 at it again! Blue Cheese x LUSH , Peyote Purple x Tahoe Og, Chemband et al.

    How long is the menu like apps, entries, etc. As for grilling are you BBQ?
  9. StickyEnigma

    BC99 at it again! Blue Cheese x LUSH , Peyote Purple x Tahoe Og, Chemband et al.

    Fuck yeah! Congratz, hope it isn't as unstable like my work. Whats your title? Prep, line....sou?
  10. StickyEnigma

    BC99 at it again! Blue Cheese x LUSH , Peyote Purple x Tahoe Og, Chemband et al. Derp.
  11. StickyEnigma

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    Hi, Im new at brewing, the recipe I've been using and some other basic recipes. Wondering why Concentrated Fish emulsions are only in" Veg 2 Brew"?
  12. StickyEnigma

    The Sex Talk Thread

    Can't say I had one I'll be lying but for the ones who were with me, opposite view.
  13. StickyEnigma

    The Sex Talk Thread

    Always had a fetish for pregnant day.
  14. StickyEnigma

    useing molasses

    What seaweed extract brand should I invest in? Maxicrop or other brands which I cant think of.
  15. StickyEnigma

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Thank you for the advice. I well do that once my hand heals or have assistance.
  16. StickyEnigma

    The Sex Talk Thread

    Jesus, hate random ass songs pop in your head for no reason at all. Damn Velvet Revoler
  17. StickyEnigma

    The Sex Talk Thread

    Go back to the stripe club, browsers the girls don't pick the first girl that talks to you. Get VIP, worry about the cost...don't worry there's a chance of a reward if you played your cards right with the "Stripper."-horror music)
  18. StickyEnigma

    The Sex Talk Thread

    Meh, the noise I can tolerate, sound s like my balls(Bill and Ted, my nickname for my two buds or my balls) slapping against ... flesh(Ballz dip, claping without hands, pile driving)
  19. StickyEnigma

    The Sex Talk Thread

    For me depends on their skin color and if their naked. Also weight size.....Fat looks like cream cheese when claping together....muscle more perfect circular motion and bubble buts are awesome. Thx Rachael Starr for blowing my mind away.