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  1. Privatejoker421

    New grow in SIN CITY DIY TOPSY TURVEY and Regular all soil Vertical 1KW on a Budget

    The upside down ones don't go outside just cause at this size it's more trouble then its' worse. THe watering is less though about 50 percent less then normal. The stock is thicker the leaves are greener and there is no yellowing and it has it's first set of pedals still green too. I can't say...
  2. Privatejoker421

    New grow in SIN CITY DIY TOPSY TURVEY and Regular all soil Vertical 1KW on a Budget

    No bursting of any bubble I have the light sitting on its side and I will take better pictures its turning and curling but its doing it so well that even if I had to change back it would still save me time. Its taking off no other plant is even close but its still to early to tell. I figure it...
  3. Privatejoker421

    New grow in SIN CITY DIY TOPSY TURVEY and Regular all soil Vertical 1KW on a Budget

    Using a 4 ft. two bulb 40 W Blue T12 all from seed about 6 different strains my buddy hooked me up with custom crosses Ak47 with GDP, Purp Kush w/ White Widow, Dur poison. I forgot the rest but will figure out as they grow. Out of the twenty some odd plants I placed one bout a week ago upside...
  4. Privatejoker421

    Numbers don't lie

    Numbers don't lie
  5. Privatejoker421

    1st DWC - 1200 Watt -Quantum Digital Dimmable Ballest

    How do you like those quantum ballest, what the temp change from 300 watts to 600 watts and if so hows the bill change? Nice so far