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  1. M

    Thinking about my setup..

    thanks everyone for your help.. I'll keep you guys posted, and I'll get pics up when/if these sprout
  2. M

    Thinking about my setup..

    haha no worries thank you guys! I'm getting kinda worried though if my seeds are growing or not.. one sprouted and it's been a few days already lights are on 24hrs as well, and nothing yet.. it's in a small 8oz cup, I water a little while after the soil has gotten dry
  3. M

    Thinking about my setup..

    20-40 farenheit? or 20-40 celcius?
  4. M

    Thinking about my setup..

    oh sorry.. It's a file cabinet i have
  5. M

    Thinking about my setup..

    I know it's ghetto but any ideas are welcomed..
  6. M

    Thinking about my setup..

    I only have 3 23w daylights now... one of them was BURNED OUT.... grr so I'm using 3 daylights CFL's and a warm white It's been about 4 days now.. There's my 4'' table fan I'm blowing on my bulbs, and I'm trying to score a computer fan for free, then gonna wire it up to a cell phone charger...
  7. M

    Thinking about my setup..

    Well I got two plants inside my cabinet right now.. I have a small 4'' fan blowing at my lights, and my air purifier/filter outside of the cabinet by an opening. I have 2 23w CFL daylight bulbs over it right now. I have 2 more 23watts I haven't put on yet, debating whether I really should or...
  8. M

    Thinking about my setup..

    Will a 23 watt CFL bulb work in any fixture? Won't short anything out will it? My main concern is the safety of other people in the house, I don't want my families house to catch fire because of me. I will need two fans then, for intake and exhaust which fans do you reccomend? That are not...
  9. M

    Thinking about my setup..

    Hey everyone I'm new here. I got seeds from a friend and decided to try giving gardening a try. I'm doing an in-door grow, with a metal filing cabinet. Going to put aluminum plates on the bottom of it for extra heat resistance and to try and prevent water, etc from leaking. Then a plastic...
  10. M

    building a cabinet - which light setup to use?

    From what I was reading on here, it would work.. A guy made a post asking about the regular bulbs too.. I think he was using 8-10 bulbs replicating a 250w I think.. I don't have the post open either anymore sorry about that
  11. M

    incognito grow

    Why don't you try putting it into one of those portable wardrobes? I saw a guy on here that made a crazy setup like that.. I was thinking of copying his, since I will most likely be growing in my closet, or in a cabinet in my garage.