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  1. N

    Newbie DWC plants seem like they Stopped growing!!

    Got pics but cant post, tell me how and I am on it. I NEED HELP, PLEASE!! QUICK!!
  2. N

    Newbie DWC plants seem like they Stopped growing!!

    Upon recheck to take pics my ppms are abt 860 and water temp is 69.8, can't seem to get my water temp to the recommended 68 even with a chiller/ water cooler.
  3. N

    Newbie DWC plants seem like they Stopped growing!!

    Will post pics of my best and worst plants and roots. Ph seems to be running high bc I'm using a lot of down lately, auto ph system says ph is 6.24 right now. Heard 6.2 ph in hydro was optimal oxygen intake level....
  4. N

    Newbie DWC plants seem like they Stopped growing!!

    I am new to this and really didn't think it would be this difficult to grow hydroponically. I have a 6 gal res with a variety of strains 9 total in a closet setup, they are under 3 9spectrum LED lights w side lighting, top drip feed system, using spring water, ppms about 940ish, plants are in...