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  1. D

    thrip question

    really, no one at all? not even someone with a smart ass comment?
  2. D

    Aka dumpster the who can find the cross

    i got seeds from my friend who spent two years back crossing to get the blueberry in the strain. i'm almost done flowering and it brings a tear to my eye everytime i walk in the room. so beautiful. overpowering. these ladies had a hard life, i started them in an attic in may. in june we had a...
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    thrip question

    i had a small case of thrips. i made a cooking oil, dish soap, water spray that seemed to kill the fuckers instantly. i waited until the 6 hours of darkness to do this so the plants wouldn't get cooked by the light. but they seem to be getting a little toasted anyways. so the question is, should...
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    Normal or are my plants telling me something?

    wow. they look good. the first set of leaves will turn yellow and fall off at about the time you're stating you started them. if you think they're acting funny at all it is probably because you switched from the 12/12 to the 18/6. don't worry bout your light cause it sounds like it's kick ass...
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    Aka dumpster the who can find the cross

    wow. i'm from the lorain area of ohio and i currently have 12 blueberry dumpster ladies in right now. haven't switched to flowering yet but so far i'm pretty amazed with the results. although the strain is a cross between nl#5 x g13 x blueberry to give it the yield, the stone, and the flavor...
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    Fert question!

    yes you can use molasses with your ferts. you wanna use a tblsp. to a gallon of water. i've seen good results with the use of molasses.
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    pruning question?

    i have twelve blueberry dumpster ladies grown from seed under four 4' daylight spectrum florescents. i started them in an attic in the beginning of may. around june 1st 6 of them were transplanted into five gallon buckets. then a heat wave hit and even with three fans blowin and an exhaust...
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    Hamster vs bottled CO2

    so it may have been answered before somewhere else on rollitup but since dry ice is co2 in a solid form, and it releases itself back into a gaseous state when dropped into hot water pretty quickly, and it's not that expensive, wouldn't this be a good inexpensive way to supply extra co2?
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    i cant believe i found this in my basement

    I have 6 single bulb florecent fixtures, im sure these are the right ones i am going to put 3cool white and 3warm white florescent bulbs in these fictures. The only problem is idk what wattage or which bulb to even look at when i go to home depot. if you go to home depot they have daylight...
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    Im 2 weeks into flowering and need to tie down plants. how is it done?

    that first pic you put up was a pretty one and it seems that the plant didn't have to stretch as far up to the light as the rest. my plants have stalks as thick as my thumb just from keeping my hps 1.5 to 2 ft. away from the tops and an oscillating fan blowin on them for stem growth. now i saw...
  11. D

    Seasoned Growers/Moderators plaese post this in the most appropriate section

    in response cheap and organic fixes are readily available at plant nurseries, walmart, home depot,etc.... try this mixture: bat guano 25%,blood meal 20%,bone meal 15%,fish emulsions 15%, and worm castings 25%. this mixture has never let me down adding all necessary nutrients to your plants and...