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  1. thegreenthumbskibum

    Dmt Panic Attack

    Hi there, So I have recently obtained some dmt and over the last month have been experimenting with different doses. Most my experiences where very positive and I even managed to have one breakthrough experience that words can simply not describe. Anyway the other day i recrystalized the off...
  2. thegreenthumbskibum

    Qush Grow

    So its been 11 days since the last update and boy have things changed :mrgreen: I just completed my insulated grow room that is located in my attic and i must say i am quite pleased! I'll give you the run down: Room Size: 3.5 ft by 6 feet by 6 feet in the apex of the room with Secret Jardin...
  3. thegreenthumbskibum

    hey guys need some help

    thanks for the fast replies, to add a little more info they are 20 days old from seed started in jiffy peat pellets and moved into the solo cups with a 50/50 mix of fox farm ocean forest and a seedling mix of peat vermiculite and lime when there were 8 days old. so they've been in the solo cups...
  4. thegreenthumbskibum

    hey guys need some help

    hey guys i noticed this showing up on my plants today. its on all 5 plants to sum extent not sure exactly what it is so if anyone here could lend their 2 cents that would be greatly appreciated. temp high/low is 77/63 and RH high/low is 61/34
  5. thegreenthumbskibum

    Qush Grow

    What're your plans? Gonna top, scrog, ??? going to top and probably utilize some LST. just looking for a good pheno outta the bunch to use as a mother for future grows.
  6. thegreenthumbskibum

    Qush Grow

    Hello and welcome to my very first indoor grow! i have done many outdoor grows with amazing results but this is the first time indoors and the first time documenting a grow, so here we go. These plants have already been growing from seed for 17 days now so ill bring you up to speed, which should...