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  1. C

    Emerald Triangl products owners respond about carcinogens

    Also, we are all inhaling smoke several times per day. Comparatively, smoking regularly is more dangerous IMO.
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    I think he means it will unbind the root ball. You still need to Go a size up in pots (and more soil) so the newly cut roots will have somewhere to explore and expand, and find new sources of food. The plants will get bigger though. I didn't read anything in the post about taking some off the...
  3. C

    So you noobs are hooked on cannabis specific Bloom foods (aka snakeoil)..... eh?

    *sigh* I am a noob. I fell for the AN bull. I have had about six successful crops though. 10-15oz. Being a noob though, I don't have the experience to get around it. Wish one of you would create a noob-proof recipe. Alas, I'm a snake oil consumer. Cheers! happy. growing.
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    So you noobs are hooked on cannabis specific Bloom foods (aka snakeoil)..... eh?

    I have been all through this thread, went and did some research and now I'm back to share what I've learned/seek direction and counsel. I have heard great things about Bloom enhancers like Bud Blood, Bud Ignitor, Bushmaster, the list goes on. Bud Blood guaranteed analysis is (0-39-25) and $129...
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    $$$$$$Cash crop stains?$$$$$$$$$$

    Cant go wrong with Big Bud. Indoor/outdoor, soil/hydro, ScrOG, SOG, Natural, FIM, top, Supercrop whatever. It will make huge crystally Colas. If you were to bag up an eighth (hypothetically) you would certainly have to break up a bud to achieve that weight. That has been my experience. Great...
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    one of my plants looks close to done...6weeks n 2 days.

    I see the tips browning but No yellowing. The "hairs" are turning red-good sign. The real way to tell peak ripeness is by examining the trichome opacity. They will generally turn from clear to milky to amber. It is widely agreed that when about half of the Trichomes have turned amber, it is at...
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    Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

    The above advice is for indoor grows. Outdoors, its a little different...if you even trim at all.
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    Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

    There is something to be said for removing entire shoots below the canopy. If they [sub-canopy foliage] end up producing buds at all they will be really under-developed, not worth smoking and not worth the time to trim. Basically shoots are suckers and the reasoning behind removing them is that...
  9. C

    So you noobs are hooked on cannabis specific Bloom foods (aka snakeoil)..... eh?

    I better correct this before one of you does it for me. I wrote : "(for hypothetical, fictional example: Zinc bonds with iron to create another element entirely)" i should have used 'compound' or 'chemical', not 'element'. so sorry.
  10. C

    So you noobs are hooked on cannabis specific Bloom foods (aka snakeoil)..... eh?

    Agreed. The so called snake oil products are a ripoff. Though some people swear by them, I have not tried them. No one excepting Uncle Ben has offered a D.I.Y. method to body slamming your plants into flowering mosters. Being a noob myself, I would appreciate any knowledge any of you all could...
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    bushmaster vs bud blood power

    Thanks. That's sort of what I was getting at. I was trying to find a PGR that is not toxic in consumeables.
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    New atempt at breading!!! Jernal or gernal

    speaking of breading, i'm a Cat breader. check it out. Spelling nazi strikes again! I can be a douche sometimes, sorry.
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    When do plants grow faster? Day/Night?

    As I understand it, the plants have such rapid growth during flowering (as opposed to veg-ing) because the light cycle is telling them that the growing season's end is rapidly approaching. The fragrant resinous flowers are trying their damned-est to attract a pollinator that they might reproduce...
  14. C

    I don't. Have you used it? do you use a growth hormone for flowering? I am somewhat new to the...

    I don't. Have you used it? do you use a growth hormone for flowering? I am somewhat new to the hobby. I live in Oregon.
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    Are any of you here a Sensitive?

    That was the funniest shit! I actually LOL'd a couple times. Kudos. I tried sending this message telepathically but there was too much interferance as I live near a slaughterhouse.
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    bushmaster vs bud blood power

    Great info. I'm totally into not being ripped off by these companies because I didn't take the time to learn the science. And it does take time. Ideally I would like to make my own nutes when I have learned enough. I stumbled on this post while trying to find out what's in Bud Blood. I'm a...