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  1. Q

    Purple Plants @ 4 Weeks - Wierd White Spots

    Oh I forgot to mention the soil is Promix, dont know if that helps you...
  2. Q

    Purple Plants @ 4 Weeks - Wierd White Spots

    Hey Muddy Paws thanks for the quick response! Im gonna try out the epsom salts trick and see if it works, I'll keep you posted! thanks again! -Qc
  3. Q

    A few questions about KindSeed

    Hey EMDrummer, I bought some Feminized Purple seeds from them and got it in 3 days (I live in Quebec, Canada) so I would say its fast AND super discreet, they sent it in an envelope with a map wrapped around it inside of a folded magazine...I almost through it out cus I thought it was spam...
  4. Q

    What is the most weed tolerant place to live?

    Quebec!! I once got pulled over with a buddy and we had just smoked and the cop told us: Try not to smoke while driving guys..and left..true story! If not Amsterdam obviously buy its far..
  5. Q

    Purple Plants @ 4 Weeks - Wierd White Spots

    Hey everyone! Ok so my little Purple plants are doing awesome except for one thing, these little white spots on a few of the bottom leaves of one plant..dont know what it is as I dont know much about diseases.. If anyone could tell me what it is and how it can be fixed I would really apreciate...