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  1. RipnnBongzz

    Hermie 411 - Read if u have had a hermie

    Breeder: Dina-Fem Seeds Strain:Critial Jack Veg Time: 3 weeks Cropping Techniques:topped to 4 main colas (using big bens techniques) Hermie quantity: 2/2 hermied out Breeder:World of Seeds Strain:Afghan Kush x Skunk Veg Time: 3 weeks Cropping Techniques:4 tops Hermie quantity: 1/2
  2. RipnnBongzz

    Hermie 411 - Read if u have had a hermie

    lets get some info on what people did to cause hermie. it just clicked on me when growing female strains maybe if u push flower to early it can trigger a plant to be uncomfortable and not ready for flower and want to change sex. just a thought bc i usually veg for 5-6 weeks while i await my...
  3. RipnnBongzz

    maybe a dumb question - REG vs FEM SEED question

    from what understand is if u want the repetition from harvest to harvest is to use reg seeds, find the best phenotype and clone that phenotype and keep it going. but lost in the translation is how do u know if its female or how you approach that method the best way. i do agree its always a...
  4. RipnnBongzz

    maybe a dumb question - REG vs FEM SEED question

    ive always wanted to know.. How can u get a mother plant from a REG seed? you dont know the sex until it flowers? 2nd question How do u clone with a reg seed, again, you dont know the sex until the flower period? clone it when u see sex during flowering? or clone all the plants before...
  5. RipnnBongzz

    I'm in Hermi Denial Right Now...Need 2nd Opinion Before I Chuck.

    I just had the same problem brother. i hear ya.. same scenario, preflower pistals but nut with a few sacks appearing and no pistols, get it out of there asap, let the others enjoy more light. its the only thing u can..sorry to hear brother.
  6. RipnnBongzz

    hermies; to much of a cold spike at night?

    o god trust me i would love to go that route and snag some OG Regular seeds.such a better experience, phenotypes smoke ect.. i keep my plant count at 5 max. I wanna harvest at least 4 or 5 plants every harvest. goin to reg seeds will really up my plant count until i figure out males n females...
  7. RipnnBongzz

    hermies; to much of a cold spike at night?

    ya but his plants are also "Banzai" he calls it. didnt show it in video 2 only in vid 1 but u can see the fan leaves have only 1 leave in video 2, and he "Cheater Toppd" the colas, but he doesn't cut with scissors he rips with his hand.
  8. RipnnBongzz

    hermies; to much of a cold spike at night?

    he has 2 videos, the first one youll see on the side of yourtube explains how he cuts the fan leaves and apparently its better lol idk, you cant tell him otherwise bc his plants at the end are fuckn husky with colas its very intriguing to wanna try that method.
  9. RipnnBongzz

    hermies; to much of a cold spike at night?

    watch this video
  10. RipnnBongzz

    [400 WATT!!] HSO ChemDawg + Dinafem Blue Widow + Delicious Seeds LA Diva Auto!

    The blue widow will double in size + a more. beast topping job.. looked like mine :) be careful with the humidity late flowering with blue widow, i read up on it and its a concern bc of with thick colas and bud production and genetics it is prone to mold. definitely get that situated brother...
  11. RipnnBongzz

    hermies; to much of a cold spike at night?

    I was actually thinking the same, i have had great luck with 2 strains, tried another. and this happens.. it was Dina-fem Critical Jack World of seeds - Afghan Kush x Skunk In which i thought and read up and never found complaints. maybe just my methods weren't in its best interested and...
  12. RipnnBongzz

    hermies; to much of a cold spike at night?

    female seeds, 2 weeks into flower started growing balls 3 of 5 turned hermie. (all plants were grown with the exact same techniques and water scheds) now the question i have is, why would this happend? 3 scenarios i came up with temps lights on 79-82 temps lights off 62-64 had a cold spike...
  13. RipnnBongzz

    Trichomes pics.. what u guys think?

    i flushed yesterday morning.
  14. RipnnBongzz

    Trichomes pics.. what u guys think?

    i used a microscope. ? isn't that what you are suppose to use?
  15. RipnnBongzz

    Trichomes pics.. what u guys think?

    ya these are off the calyxs. not the fan leaves
  16. RipnnBongzz

    Trichomes pics.. what u guys think?

    I usually go by look and days for harvest. this is when i usualy harvest this strain. (Delicious seeds - Cotton Candy) u guys think im waiting to long? these pics are at 71 days flower.. breeder says 65-70 days..
  17. RipnnBongzz

    kandy kush 8 weeks in to flower

    Those aren't ready.. I would go 2 more weeks.. hairs are too far apart from the buds.. they need to be closer brother. Almost even with the calyx with the calyx almost bursting. wait bro. you wont be disappointed.
  18. RipnnBongzz

    Cool Pic of lumans hitting my plants.

    was just takin photos for my diary. check out the spectrum i got.. pretty neat... i wonder how accurate it is for the actually lumans shinning on my plant. could be on to something, keep flashing photos untill u see every plant into the perfect position for the best spectrum. 16oz...
  19. RipnnBongzz

    Name that Defincieny?

    nah this was a while ago ringsxty.. i was stubburn and wanted to try it again with coco choir and try a few things different to see if i can grow it more healthy,. didnt work.. i like trying things and figuring out what went wrong. couldnt figure it out on this strain.
  20. RipnnBongzz

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    that chesse plant looks massive for an auto and 183 wet? i woulda guess way more you alsop mentioned leafs turning color near the end. Its not nute burn. thats a good sign, your plant is sucking the nutrients out of the fan leaves at its last stage of hunger its a good thing. nice grow brother