Search results

  1. Dadrad

    Bug problem help please

    I'm sorry to tell you dude but you've got spider mites. A bitch to get rid of. Get some "neem" oil and apply heavily spray the undersides if leaves to. They also seem to not lije tobacco juice (soak 3-4 cigs in a 20 oz sida bottle) and finally get some if the YELLOW pest strips. They work...
  2. Dadrad

    Too Hot in Grow Box HELP

    Hey buddy, im 50years old with A NO smoking wife, two boys(19,22) they don't smoke regularly, and I have a BEAUTIFUL grow set up in 2 giant 70's soeakers. I getabout 1-1.5oz's a month. More than enough for me. I. Smoke all day long. Been smoking since 1975 so more than possible plants averge...
  3. Dadrad

    Spider Mites in Late Flower - Should I Harvest Early?! (PICS)

    Yes the mites will leave as the buds dry. The webs stay behind. And yes a vacuum will also work
  4. Dadrad

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Awesome information!!! This is better than most of the "paid" info out there. Man, thanks a lot!!! Another reason to love the ganja community, and legalize pot!!!