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  1. S

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi Torchwood, I'm an ex Para so I know all the bullshit you will be going through, just don't let the bastards get you down. Plenty of excellent reading on this site, take your time, and check all the GrowFAQ'S they will answer most of your questions, and the threads are a mine of info. If you...
  2. S

    White Widow in Sunny Sheffield

    Hi Dr. Jones, I use tap water as well, but the ISKLAR is great. Have you ever grown a haze plant? I would like some advice on how to switch between veggie nutes and bloom, I have read up on some of it but each grower seems to have a different idea, just want a few ideas from someone who has...
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    White Widow in Sunny Sheffield

    Hi Dr. Jones, What do you water with? I have found a bottled water called ISKLAR, it comes from a Norwegian glasier and has no sodium and a ph of 6.5, my plants ( Ajans Haze#3) love it, and its cheap too about 60p for 1.5 liters, really does help with ph problems on the short term.
  4. S

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi y'all, Scimitar here, just saying g'day to all you growers. I am a first time grower and hope to learn mucho from this website. At the moment I am growing 3 Arjans Haze plants, they look really healthy after about 3 weeks (more luck than judgement) and are about 6" tall. Lights are 400 HPS on...