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  1. G

    Children around grow-ops??

    I look at it as it being no different then the 40 house plants I have and that as long as it's locked up well that it really isn't an issue. But it's a personal choice.
  2. G

    13 weeks into flower and No Capitate Stalked trichs!

    Hmmm, well hopefully she shows me some love's a long wait but one that I heard was well worth it..
  3. G

    13 weeks into flower and No Capitate Stalked trichs!

    How long can a Sativa go? I had thought 14 weeks top but now I have read they can go indefinitely?? And I'm still at a loss as to why there are no trichs, and no smell..Ah well another experiment I guess lol
  4. G

    13 weeks into flower and No Capitate Stalked trichs!

    Yeah, I thought of pulling her today but I just don't have the heart lol..Guess I'll give her a few more weeks and see how she does. So frustrating!
  5. G

    13 weeks into flower and No Capitate Stalked trichs!

    Thanks 650- same to you. She's been my only dud other than bunk seeds from attitude. I've had pretty good luck so far with the indica - indica hybrid so I think that's what we will stick too..I'm not too sad tho' as I have some swamp monster, herijuana jack, LSD and Ch9 I just started so no...
  6. G

    13 weeks into flower and No Capitate Stalked trichs!

    2 Gallon pot..I would think that pot size would affect the size and yield of the plant not trich development..but at this point I'm at a loss as to why it's like this. She's a nice plant but has very light and fluffy buds. She's still throwing out new pistols also. I think we're just going to...
  7. G

    13 weeks into flower and No Capitate Stalked trichs!

    No I have several others, but this is the only one that is like this. I have done several grows with great results! Just thought that this was going to be a longer flower than the others as every one else usually finishes in 8 weeks..but you would think at 13 weeks there would be some sign of...
  8. G

    13 weeks into flower and No Capitate Stalked trichs!

    The best I can do guys/gals as for some reason there is No micro setting on the dam camera..
  9. G

    13 weeks into flower and No Capitate Stalked trichs!

    Pics of what??? There is nothing to take a picture of.
  10. G

    13 weeks into flower and No Capitate Stalked trichs!

    Hey all! I have (what I think) is a pure Sativa that has been flowering for 13 weeks. I have been keeping an eye on the trich's with a 100X microscope. I have searched the entire plant and cannot find any of the Capitate Stalked trich's. I mean NONE!!! The plant has only the bulbous and the...