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  1. H

    Hydroponic LED Growing questions

    Ok - I realize that this is an evolving technology, but i wanted to ask a few questions about it. I was wondering what kind of yield you would expect from led vs Hid with no BS (ie sales guys) lol 1000w HPS air cooled bulb vs LED I am assuming with equal led power consumption you should be...
  2. H


    you might have just watered that one more then the other - this flushes all the nutes out of the soil if there was any to begin with. that one also looks a little stronger (larger) which would require more food - if you do the above it should correct your problem.
  3. H


    it looks like a nitrogen Deficiency - start with a mild nute solution at 1/4 strenght once every three waters. it should come right back and be nice and green within a week or so !
  4. H

    Is this PH Lockout?

    yep not enough cal/mag in your water - add some and she will be as good as new !
  5. H

    Am I causing potential problems by fermenting corn mash next to my grow cab?

    as long as you are not composting manure you will be fine. lol if that was the case - hope you don't light a match near you grow room lol .. More co2 the better ! just remember to crank up the heat a bit ..
  6. H

    Question about feeding nutrients?

    thats great soil - has a fair bit of nutes in it allready - be carefull on how much nutes you use. should be a great grow. I hope I could help
  7. H

    600 watt LED bedroom grow :) leave feedback . no specific question.

    I love the idea of LED's plus I love the ambiance that they give off lol. to much money for me to try but I would love to one day - I just don't know if i trust them just yet. but again I have not tried them so I can't be the judge of that ;)
  8. H

    Question about feeding nutrients?

    yes - as a rule of thumb what you want to do is water once every 2-3 days in soil - use a half strengh nute solution or better yet start with one third and slowly move up from there (use a good brand) miracle grow is not ideal - never go past half strengh- then feed every third water - watch...
  9. H anyone buy from them?

    yeah - I got one of there 1000w digitals - it does not have a super luman setting - dont think I would need that .. I have had may ballasts a year and a half and they have outdone my nexgens which i was really suprised -. dont be worried as it is good stuff - they are great at least the stuff I...