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  1. PlanetTakeOver

    First time cloning, 12th day and no roots.

    90%. no heat mat, just bought one on amazon though
  2. PlanetTakeOver

    First time cloning, 12th day and no roots.

    yea the temps are cool now that i think about it and i dont have a heat mat. my exhaust fan from my tent is also blowing on it. i might bring the clones into my room and see if that changes anything. might even buy a heat mat. everything seems fine, just no roots. thanks for the tips!
  3. PlanetTakeOver

    First time cloning, 12th day and no roots.

    thank you spandy and the rest of you for your input. I have 9 sativas and 9 hybrids, im hoping its just a slow rooting strain. Are you suggesting that i peel back the top of the rockwool to check for roots? i dont want to risk trying to pull the stem out and breaking the roots, im just scared...
  4. PlanetTakeOver

    First time cloning, 12th day and no roots.

    I cut 18 clones and scraped off the bottom and used clonex rooting gel and placed them all in presoaked rockwool cubes (5.5 ph). I have them under a 24" T5 on a 18/6 schedule. I mist when needed and let fresh air in twice a day. The rockwool is always moist. On the 11th day I misted the cubes...
  5. PlanetTakeOver

    Can I use my exhaust air to ventilate my vegging room?

    I have a 4x8 flower tent and a 4x4 veg tent. I don't want to buy 2 more fans for a small veg room so I was wondering if I can exhaust the air into my veg tent and just let it leave from there passively. The intake fan in the flower tent is fresh air from outside if that changes anything. I want...
  6. PlanetTakeOver

    Possible heat stress?

    Your temps are too high. My hi temp for the day is 80 and i make sure to never let it go above that. 400w MH is powerful especially if you are using it to full power. Id say move the light 18-24" above the canopy. I have (2) 450 MH bulbs 2 ft. above my canopy and they are fine. Just my suggestion
  7. PlanetTakeOver

    Is this a N deficiency?

    I transferred rooted clones into 5gal pots. In the beginning they were looking very sad, burnt tips and yellowing around the edges. After I started using FF nutes they began to look a little more healthy. This is a before and after pic. But there is still yellowing on the new leaves. I looked at...
  8. PlanetTakeOver

    Upward Curling, brown tips and yellowing? Please help

    i got 18 for $190 yea they didnt look too good when i got them but hopefully they will recover, the nutes and PH are coming tomorrow, do you think i should wait til the soil dries out before i feed them or should i use nutes right when they come?
  9. PlanetTakeOver

    Upward Curling, brown tips and yellowing? Please help

    Bought fully rooted clones on dec.5 (5 days ago) and put them in 5gal pots mixed with FFOF and about 5 inches of Happy frog at the top (figured happy frog would be better for new roots) I watered them the next day with tap water that was left out for 48 hours. I did not have a PH kit so i just...
  10. PlanetTakeOver

    Otherwise healthy leaves turning downwards?

    I wouldnt be too concerned they look healthy. Maybe try to put a humidifier in there if you can, i know when they are young they tend to like the air more moist, i keep mine around 45-55%