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  1. benchulmanweed

    Where to find a large bowl disc screen slide ?

    I recently got a SG kingstem with a LW disc screen slide, disc screens are now my new favorite slides. my only problem is snappers are just not my style, i like larger bowl packs. everything else about the slide is awesome seriously if you do not own a disc screen i cannot stress how much...
  2. benchulmanweed

    ZOB Glass Tube with Accessories!

    i wasnt thinking when i posted, shouldve realized it was for your 2' sorry thats gonna be too big for a kingstem
  3. benchulmanweed

    ZOB Glass Tube with Accessories!

    Post the case please. can be a pic from the internet i tried couldnt find one tho and pyrology apparently is from philly, founded by someone who used to work at illadelph. i like the look of their vertical slitted downstem a lot.
  4. benchulmanweed

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    ^very helpful thank you, ill do the initial hot water baths outside, once again inside in a HWB and then in my oven. one more q, when it comes to your extracting tube what dimensions do you prefer ? i have a .5" diameter x 1.5' length tube that i could cut down (probs only gonna make 1/4-1/2 o...
  5. benchulmanweed

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    noob here with nooby question been readin this and many other bho/concentrate threads, also started seeing more and more vapor things at my lhs's and they really interested me. my state, mass, recently went medical so i can only assume the dab life will spread out here and i sure dont mind...
  6. benchulmanweed

    Downstems, downstems, downstems

    Hey whats up, so my current set up is an illadelph tall beaker, standard illadelph 6 ( i think) slit downstem, and a pill bottle a/c with a 4 slit downstem. im looking to upgrade both downstems, heres what im considering. yes the sizes arent exact but you can see the percs and get the idea...
  7. benchulmanweed

    My Moisture Lock Nightmare

    Didnt really read the whole thread when i posted, so sorry about your piece. Hopefully my advice will help others suffering through this stressful period of bong ownership.
  8. benchulmanweed

    My Moisture Lock Nightmare

    YO ! I have had the EXACT same problem with my friends hoss. That 29mm downstem just loves to get stuck. Heres what we did. Cleaned the it very well, then sprayed wd 40 on both sides, a lot of it (wash it out later). Then using a thin piece of rubber grip used to open jars, put that around the...
  9. benchulmanweed

    Help me, what do you think of this binger ? NEED TO DECIDE BY TOMORROW NIGHT

    Hi, first post here whats up all. 413 western mass is where im from. well on to the topic at hand, ok i have a tall green beaker illadelph, its a beast but im interested in trying out something with percs. Illadelph a/c's are a little pricey and I also want something a little smaller, a lap...