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  1. evelyn1984

    Humidity problems

    thats awesome Slipon, thanks for all the info. i think im going to run some ducting from my intake into a seperat more ventilated room so when the extractor pulls it pulls fresh air in. think that will help lots. im not too worried anymore though now i know im good with mid 50's. Thanks again =D
  2. evelyn1984

    Humidity problems

    Hi Slipon, Im definitely going to try dehumidifing the whole room, thanks for the info on RH and what works. ive just been going off what i heard so if im safe with 53 that will do for me. =D Im going to sort out where im pumping my warm air too, cant be good feeding it back into my main room...
  3. evelyn1984

    Humidity problems

    Hi, I have just switched to flower a week ago and need to get my humidity down and am having real problems. i bought a dehumdifier and put that in my grow tent and on full power it is still 53 with the light on and slightly more when the lights off. i live in an old house where the humidity is...
  4. evelyn1984

    How big will they grow in flower?

    Brother Numsi thanks again, i have been considering some side lighting for sure. They are quite dense so light penetration from the top to the lower growth is probably small. thanks for your help. =D Slim83 thats good growth in flowering, i better keep an eye on my beauts. Thanks guys Evey =D
  5. evelyn1984

    How big will they grow in flower?

    Hi Brother Numsi, Yeah i have topped them, they are looking quite bushy already. lots of new growths (baby fan leaves) where i have taken the tops off (the main stem and the side branches). The spacing between the nodes is quite small and the plants are getting quite dense. Im going to leave...
  6. evelyn1984

    How big will they grow in flower?

    Hi, Im currently in my 4th week of veg from cuttings and my ladies are 11inches tall. ive heard that i should stop vegging and start flowering when my plants are at a certain hight, taking into consideration the size of my grow space, to allow them enough room to grow during flower. what is...
  7. evelyn1984

    How to change my sub heading under my username?

    Cheers guys, dont like being a stranger. lol Evey =D
  8. evelyn1984

    Light cycle from veg to flower??

    Bigsteve, Jondamon this has helped me loads! thanks. Bigsteve just to confirm then, the plants are all now around 11 inches tall, so i should expect a growth in flower of anywhere up to 22 inches? I am also using House and Garden CoCo A & B, with multizyme, root excelurator, and root regen...
  9. evelyn1984

    How to change my sub heading under my username?

    Hi Guys How do i change my sub heading under my username? it currently says 'stranger' Thanx Eve
  10. evelyn1984

    Light cycle from veg to flower??

    Ok guys, thanks. :weed:
  11. evelyn1984

    Light cycle from veg to flower??

    Hi I am currently in week 4 of Veg from cuttings and my ladies are looking great. i want to know when i go from my 18/6 veg cycle to my 12/12 flower cycle for the first time change is it better to extend the dark time from 6 - 12 to get them going on the new cycle or is it better to reduce the...
  12. evelyn1984

    Bought new setup what u think

    awesome, my friend grows with 2 x HPS in a 2x2x2 and a 5inch extractor fan and gets awesome results. =D Eve
  13. evelyn1984

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Ive seen something very similar on my ladies, would be really interested to see what some pro's response is on here. good post hsfkush. :) Evey
  14. evelyn1984

    Topping - confused

    Thanks HappyHour, it does seem the 2 new little fan leaves have started sprouting out now either side and all is looking good. i will keep a closer eye next time. Thank you Evey
  15. evelyn1984

    no problem, new to the site and didnt realise i couldnt post under multiple categories. it wont...

    no problem, new to the site and didnt realise i couldnt post under multiple categories. it wont happen again. =D Evey
  16. evelyn1984

    Variac Fan speed controller on a grasslin timer?

    Hi Does anyone know if its ok to use a variac fan speed controller on a grasslin timer? currently im using an SMSCOM thermo but it makes my fan hum like mad so i want to change it for the variac. just want to know if i can still use this on my grasslin timer. Thanks Evelyn :razz:
  17. evelyn1984

    Topping - confused

    Thats great, thanks Slipon! : ) Trying to learn as i go, ive read lots but just low in confidence cause its my 1st grow. Thanks again. Eve
  18. evelyn1984

    Topping - confused

    Hi, I am a new indoor grower and I am in my 4th week of Veg and my maji's are looking really healthy, 10 inches tall, lots of good healthy leaves and branching off but im really unsure about my topping. I topped my plants a week ago and if im honest i think i cut too low and removed everything...