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  1. timmyk20032

    1st grow (pics) how am i doing?

    thanks that was some good info!!
  2. timmyk20032

    so here we go with pics

    man thats really coming along!!! keep posting your progress
  3. timmyk20032

    Nitrogen issues.

    allthough im a first tim grower i also used the same potting mix to help with my nitrogen problen i went and got an mg houseplant food 8-7-6 and my plant seems to be doing pretty good it looks green and happy. as for the overwatering thing i dont have any advice there, as i havent been in that...
  4. timmyk20032

    1st grow (pics) how am i doing?

    i germinated it indoor then moved it outside. 12/12 fertalizer? how long should i use that on it? are there any more tips? i also read that tempratures above 70 degrees F arent good, that they'll kill the plant, is this true?
  5. timmyk20032

    1st grow (pics) how am i doing?

    hey this is my first grow and my only surviving plant so what do you think. can anyone tell the sex. i started back in the end of april. i took this pic on the 23rd of june. how much longer till it starts to flower...
  6. timmyk20032

    first grow

    i have some pics of it on my profile perhaps somone can help me determine the sex.
  7. timmyk20032

    first grow

  8. timmyk20032

    My first grow 08 (pics)

    should i just post a picture of what i goin on i mean we all need a little help.
  9. timmyk20032

    My first grow 08 (pics)

    what is topping. no offence im a 1st timer also. andi i also have one plant.
  10. timmyk20032

    first grow

    i moved my plants outside about three weeks ago one plant was eaten by bugs im guessing. the other one has leave dieing off on the bottem of the plant they are turning yellow also somthing is eating the leaves. ill post pictures later but is there any ideas now?