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  1. chippewa2u

    Kush n cheese 4 days flowering

    Ive got some 2 weeks into flower...looking strong and starting to get hairy.
  2. chippewa2u

    Top 10 Favorite Breeders??

    ive got some dina kush n cheese growing right now. They all popped and look nice two weeks into flower. Each has some strong branches with several tops (I FIM'd).
  3. chippewa2u

    Distilled or Not Distilled, That is the Question

    :-?Darkman, I'm facing something similar. First grow (Northern Lights Kannabia Special) and have been using distilled because I have well water with rust. Distilled has been fine so far but the cost will add up at some point. I have been looking into a reverse osmosis system but they can be...
  4. chippewa2u

    New dinafem kush'n'cheese ?

    I just bought some also, along with a bunch of others from various seed banks. I'll go ahead and germ one next week or two and see how it turns out but look forward to hearing what you think. I'm planning on building a greenhouse this spring and want four or five different strains.
  5. chippewa2u

    Odd shaped white lines and blotches on my leaves. Red spider mites?

    My plants were on my basement cement floor and I was getting some leaf wilt and slow growth. I put my plants on some blocks to act as an insulator and they seem fine now. I figured the soil was pulling the cold. Good luck on your grow.