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  1. C

    CALLING ALL Californians

    How are drug test generally administered at a work place? Urine! If the employer suspect you were under the influence, key work is suspect, the employer will send you home and issue a urine test tomorrow. When that shows up positive, you're fired. Wait, what's that? You smoked 3 days ago...
  2. C

    CALLING ALL Californians

    Exactly. Any employer has the right to drug test an employee due to liability concerns. If I suspected an employee to be stoned; absentmindedness, under performance, etc, I will require the employee to prove that he/she isn't stoned with a drug test. I would keep poking holes about the...
  3. C

    CALLING ALL Californians

    shenanigans! There is so much misinformation in op's post it's scary. Employers still can/will drug test you for thc if they suspect you are using. It is within their right to do so.
  4. C

    List of clubs that rip off vendors in Cali

    So you admit you're going full retard haha
  5. C

    List of clubs that rip off vendors in Cali

    Turn off your tv and head out to the real world once in a blue; it will help you differentiate between reality and fantasy.
  6. C

    List of clubs that rip off vendors in Cali

    I love your logic as I'm sure chernobe is willing to murder someone over $400. And I highly doubt you would do anything severe if you were in chernobe situation.
  7. C

    cloneville studio city ripoff inposter strains over priced bug infested

    How could you expect the op to do research if the op can't even string a sentence together?
  8. C

    Fresno County Bans all Cultivation of Medical Cannabis

    Whoops, I've misread. This was wrong on my part, so my apologies. There are only a few places in Fresno are unincorporated which are Calwa, Highway City, Muscatel, and Butler Park. There are also pocket of unincorporated area like in Rosevelt and other communities. You would need to use a...
  9. C

    Schuylaars Sesh - The New Wedge Issue for 2014 Mid-Terms..

    If you're strictly judging from past instances, then you wouldn't want our government, let alone any government to decide on fairness do you? So were these exploited people forced to work there like the Jews in concentration camps under the threat of violence/death? No? So why in the world...
  10. C

    Fresno County Bans all Cultivation of Medical Cannabis

    Did you even try to read the article?
  11. C

    Fresno County Bans all Cultivation of Medical Cannabis

    Awesome, this needed to happen sooner.
  12. C

    Schuylaars Sesh - The New Wedge Issue for 2014 Mid-Terms..

    So are you going to keep dodging my post?
  13. C

    Schuylaars Sesh - The New Wedge Issue for 2014 Mid-Terms..

    So why are you ignoring my points I've made regarding your statement and resort to attacking someone? If you disagree with me, then that is fine. Since everyone has their own reason why they think what they do. But please enlighten me sir as to why my statement is wrong?
  14. C

    Schuylaars Sesh - The New Wedge Issue for 2014 Mid-Terms..

    The way I see it is if someone can't find a better paying job with the skills they have; then they need to better themselves. The problem isn't with market, its with individual sense of pride, self worth, and overall lack of work ethics that put these people in their situation. Life isn't...
  15. C

    $15 Minimum Wage Passes In SeaTac Washington

    If these were such high demanding skilled jobs, they would have those wages. We need to let the market work itself out and not having the government intervene when "life isn't fair."
  16. C

    Global Warming or Over Population - Earths Biggest Threat?

    Neither is a problem. Global warming/cooling will happen no matter what humans do if you like to believe that or not. And over population will correct itself.
  17. C

    is legal amount of plants per rec or household

    1 light sog can take 99 easy
  18. C

    LAPD deploys swab test for medical marijuana at sobriety checkpoints

    The police/city won't care, because its cheaper to pay the fine than to fight it. They'll make their money off impound if anything else. I'm surprised that it took so long with all these "DUI" checkpoints. But that is what we get for accepting checkpoints for the "greater good" of society lol.
  19. C

    Bay area clones

    Check out elemental.
  20. C

    Bay area clones

    P2P has mite problems here and there when I grab cuts from their Richmond location. Pcg, scm, and sk. Fyi, sk participates on this forum.