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  1. I

    My CFL's sounds likes broken glass inside bulb - Normal?

    Well that sounds like good news... Do you guys think that will overload the wire? I just tried it again and they are too hot to keep my hand on for too long, like 10 - 20 seconds. Is it the wiring?
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    My CFL's sounds likes broken glass inside bulb - Normal?

    Hi everyone, I recently bought 3 23watt CFL's and I just strung the cord together using a lamp kit and 2 extra sockets spliced into the cord original lamp kit. I put the bulbs in, turned them all on and plugged it into the wall. It lit up nice, looks great except that they felt sort of hot, only...
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    My grow, stop in for free bong hits!

    I'm attempting my first grow soon, I wish I had enough room for a cab. I've been researching it for a few weeks now to get it down pat before I start and I must say, If I had a cab I would want it to look exactly like that. You make good use of the space with the powerstrip and the little...
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    Day 10, from sprout (pics)

    Noob question... they make 125w cfl's? The highest I saw was the 26 watters. So I'm going with 3 of them for the one plant... sound good? I have them strung across one wire, gonna have them hanging at different elevationsand spots and keep moving them so my baby gets a good all-around tan : )...
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    First Order! from United States!?

    ^ROFL^ At 6am, I needed a laugh like that!
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    Is this good enough? Stealth Setup

    Wow, that is soooo sexy. My room is 12' x 10', Anything out of the usual will stick out like a sore thumb but this might be worth some rearranging. I'll look into the specs a little more and reply in this thread if anything... Thanks!!!
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    Is this good enough? Stealth Setup

    And this is the new batch I got last night... what you see here is about 1.1 grams, he charges $20, so now you see why I need to start growin : D
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    Is this good enough? Stealth Setup

    You guys f'in rock, fast response!! Good because I was hoping to do a little shopping today and $200 on a hps/mh light is NOT something I wanna waste. Thank you!!! Ok, HPS lights = bad for small spaces due to heat, got it. I'm torn, I live in an apartment, and the folks live with me (I'm 25)...
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    Is this good enough? Stealth Setup

    Hi everyone, I am a pot head. My dealer gets some of the best bud I've ever tasted, but NEVER any seeds. The other night I found 2 in a bag!!! So I started looking into the possibility of growing it myself, even if just for a one time experiment harvest, just to test the waters. I've decided to...