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  1. B

    Adam Lanza's mother

    WOW you are a republican.
  2. B

    Adam Lanza's mother

    typical republican. I hold up a yellow lighter and you say I'm hold a pizza, how can we argree on anything when we cant agree I'm hold a yellow bic lighter.
  3. B

    Adam Lanza's mother

    ok here is websters def link: definition of ASSAULT WEAPON : any of various automatic or semiautomatic firearms; especially: assault rifle First Known Use of ASSAULT WEAPON1973
  4. B

    Adam Lanza's mother

    what are you republican? I give you two currrent definitions of what Everone says a assult weapons are and you still deny he used a assult weapon in the attack. I dont think a hunting rifle like a m1 or a 8mm or 7mm mauser (they were used in the theater of war) that holds limmited amount of...
  5. B

    Adam Lanza's mother here is from the goverment and his bushmaster is on the list. Sec. 53-202a. Assault weapons: Definition. (a) As used in this section and sections 53-202b to 53-202k, inclusive, "assault weapon" means: (1) Any selective-fire firearm capable of fully automatic, semiautomatic...
  6. B

    Adam Lanza's mother

  7. B

    Adam Lanza's mother

    definiton of Assult weapons Assault weapon is a term which has been given many different meanings. One is that it is any of various automatic and semiautomatic military firearms using an intermediate cartridge.[1] In the United States, there are a variety of statutory definitions of assault...
  8. B

    Adam Lanza's mother

    for people to have a reasonable dialog about this problem. You have posted several times they were locked, I too have looked for this fact as you state and I have fallen short to find it. The original question was designed to question the liability of the individual who decides to own assault...