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  1. welshvixen666

    Here it comes - gun control!!!

    We have gun control... you have to have a licence to own one, different types of licence for different guns, clean record, people with mental illness not allowed and have to be kept locked away when not in use. Hardly ever hear of gun crime here... everything else has gone to hell hear but our...
  2. welshvixen666

    Violence Against Women

    Just thought i'd give a bit of input... being a woman and all. I dont think a man should curl up his fist and lay into a woman... saying that, if a woman attacks a man... he is fully within his rights to defend him self using REASONABLE force. If a person, be them male or female, hits another...
  3. welshvixen666

    First ever attempt

    Might have hit a bit of an issue.... ive just 12/12 my ladies and their just under halfway up my tent and seriously bushy. I should take some leaf off i guess but i'm worried i will remove too much and kill them. Also worried they might get too tall... should i get a second tent to space them...
  4. welshvixen666

    First ever attempt

    todays pic, for sum reason its uploaded three and i havent worked out how to take them back off. lol:dunce:
  5. welshvixen666

    First ever attempt

    Ive got a 600watt hps blue enriched bulb, its not turned on in this picture as i was taking a quick snap just after turning it off for their nap.
  6. welshvixen666

    First ever attempt

    well here goes... thanks.
  7. welshvixen666

    First ever attempt

    I'm on my first ever attempt. Treated myself to a 4x4 tent with starter kit. Decided to go with feminized Nirvana Northern Lights. I think ive been pretty good to them, but i'd like a second opinion because ive searched online for pictures to compare them to and cant find any of a similar age...