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  1. S

    Growing in northern Montana (possible)?

    Nah man that is a very short season for a photoperiod. I say invest in some autos and save those for an indoor winter grow
  2. S

    Newish grower

    Hey guys, I have been growing under a normal 400w hps but I recently upgraded to a 1000w and didn't have a reflector for it. So, I just let it hang vertically. Then, I saw this area of the forums. I'm just curious, what are the perks of growing vertically? Sorry for the newb question hah
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    How long can seedlings be in 12/12 without flowering?

    Hey, i am in the same boat right now. I am going to have the seedlings in the flower room for about 10-12 days, do you think I can switch them to the veg room after that and they will not flower? How did your's go? Mainly because I want to veg these out and make them into the mothers.
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    First grow hydro stealth

    Here's a few pics of my 5 to 2 day old seedlings. Do you think the bigger ones are looking good so far or do you see something that needs changed? Let me know
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    First Real Grow, 400 MH,

    Nice, How long since you planted it in the newest pic? and how did you germinate?