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  1. Rangi Gee

    No Job

    "Silky, like a Chinaman", Lmao, I chuckled at that.
  2. Rangi Gee

    why must thy be a bad neighbor?!

    Throw a brick through their window, and just blatantly deny it was you. Fuck the system.
  3. Rangi Gee


    Just ticked over to 12:19 a.m. for me, Christmas is now over. Any how, enjoy yours. Haha.
  4. Rangi Gee

    Hello I'm a newbie, go by 88kawiryder

    All the luck!
  5. Rangi Gee

    It's All Bullsh*t

    Referring to the first few posts... and DAMN. You got dat monster growth. Straight kudos,
  6. Rangi Gee

    2013 Monster Outdoor Grow Competition!!!!

    That is Beautiful.
  7. Rangi Gee

    3 Word Story

    with a thick
  8. Rangi Gee

    80;s tunes that bring you back!

  9. Rangi Gee

    The bullshit session. If you're not buzzed, don't post.

    Eating cereal. Smoke another bowl for the team.
  10. Rangi Gee

    Best things to do while you're high?

    Chill and blaze out with the bros then maybe go for a blunt ride. Always fun.
  11. Rangi Gee

    You know you're stoned, when??????

    When you and your homie are chilling on the couch, then you both sing away to the same musical tune simultaneously.
  12. Rangi Gee

    I be new to the site.

    Wdup' everyone. Just dropping my bit on the introduction. And... Merry Christmas to all.