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  1. R

    who has seen one of these?

    Thats a beautiful plant never seen such plant before But it is looking so great Where do we find it and can we use it as indoor plant or not ? please tell me names of some more indoor plants for my room i shall be thankful to you
  2. R

    What Are You Listening To?

    I am listening Michael jacksons song Ghost and searching for his best ones
  3. R


    I love this game a try to see all live matches I i am always with the winning team I is a great source of entertainment for me I wished that i could also play at international level but i know that my wish sounds crazy
  4. R

    Energy drinks

    Energy drinks are not good for health as they are artificially prepared Instead of energy drink i will prefer fresh fruit juices and vegetables They are real source of energy and give our body complete energy