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  1. R

    Leaves turning brown and getting crispy

    it looks like after raising the light, the little one is doing better, thank you all for the help!
  2. R

    Leaves turning brown and getting crispy

    Anyone else have any ideas as to what could be the problem or how to fix it? this is my first grow and i want to see it go well.
  3. R

    Leaves turning brown and getting crispy

    Its up about 22 inches above the plants, I had it low cause I thought that it would prevent stretching, but im just gonna lst them instead, and have a fan blowing on them. the other one looks like it has N deficiency, should I give it a blood meal tea, or just wait since there is N in the soil...
  4. R

    Leaves turning brown and getting crispy

    I want to flush the soil to see if that will help, but since its an organic mix I made, I don't want to flush out everything I put into it.
  5. R

    Leaves turning brown and getting crispy

    I soaked it thoroughly about 8 days before i transplanted the seedlings from small pots to the gallon pots they are currently in.
  6. R

    Leaves turning brown and getting crispy

    Also, thank you so much for the reply! I really appreciate it!
  7. R

    Leaves turning brown and getting crispy

    but one that is larger has no problems at all. With that in mind, it is still the light? Also the soil mix i am using is 4 gal happy frog soil 4 gal Light warrior soil 16 Tblsp horticulture vermiculite 8 Tblsp Azomite 12 Tblsp kelp meal 16 Tblsp alfalfa meal 12 Tblsp bone meal 12 Tblsp blood...
  8. R

    Leaves turning brown and getting crispy

    So my seedlings were started around January 26th, and 1 is doing great, one has yellow leaves on the new leaves, and the third is not doing so well. I will attach a pic of it. I am thinking nute burn or heat. I have it in an organic soil mix, and under a 400w hps light, about a foot away from...
  9. R

    Panama Red, second try

    unfortunately none of the panama red seeds started to grow. I gave up on those but the 3 pandoras box seedlings are growing well. they are about 2 weeks old now since planting the seeds, and i just recently transplanted them into the one gallon pots of my soil mix. I think I was overwatering the...
  10. R

    Panama Red, second try

    unfortunately none of the Panama Red seeds have sprouted yet =/ They are still in the soil, and I am still waiting. It has been a while though so I am losing hope that they will sprout. Is there anything that I can do to maybe jump start them?
  11. R

    Panama Red, second try

    A friend of mine had tons of panama red seeds that are 25+ years old, and gave me a small handful when I moved. I just have to take her word for it but she has been growing for many many years so I trust that they are Panama red seeds.
  12. R

    Panama Red, second try

    So this morning the pandora's box seed with the azomite had sprouted, and when I got home the third pandora's box seed had sprouted. I decided to go with an organic mix to transplant them into when they are ready, the soil mix I made is something I just threw together with my limited knowledge...
  13. R

    Panama Red, second try

    So I just got home from school, and when I checked on the garden, one of the seeds already sprouted! The one that sprouted was the pandora's box that I had scuffed. I was thinking the one with the azomite was going to be the first one to surface, but apparently not lol. all of the others have...
  14. R

    Panama Red, second try

    Okay so end of august I tried my hand at growing some old panama red seeds and later on a couple pandora's box seeds. i probably messed with them too much and had them too cold at night and killed them. So i am changing the way I am doing things this go around and hopefully I will have some...
  15. R

    First Grow, Panama Red!

    That is how I started the seeds, after they started to pop I put them in the soil, I might have messed with them too much and killed the seeds, but I am trying to stay hopeful. some of the seeds are 25+ years old.
  16. R

    First Grow, Panama Red!

    Okay, so the plants still haven't sprouted, and I think it might be that the room they are in gets too cold at night, so I moved the lamp down to about 2-2 1/2 feet from the top of the pots. I am going to give them a couple more weeks and then if they don't sprout I am going to start over. I am...
  17. R

    First Grow, Panama Red!

    It has been nearly a month since I potted the 12 panama red seeds, and they have yet to sprout. The 2 panama red and 2 pandora's box seeds that I planted 14 days ago have yet to sprout as well. I don't really know if I should wait longer, or just toss the 12 and wait on the other 4, or toss them...
  18. R

    First Grow, Panama Red!

    I had 12 old seeds germinating and didn't have tham many pots, I was waiting till the tap root was showing on a few of them but they never popped. I just ended up putting all 12 in the same pot, I'll separate them the best I can if any of them sprout. Also thank you for the info on the MG, is...
  19. R

    First Grow, Panama Red!

    Thank you so much, this will really help with the watering, my biggest concern was with overwatering. this will help a lot.
  20. R

    Gutter build up as soil/soil enricher

    So today I had the sudden urge to clean out the gutters, and it looks like no one has ever cleaned them before. Note that this is an old house and I just moved in. As I was cleaning out all the crap from the gutter, I began to wonder if I could use it as soil, or ar a soil enricher. The gutters...