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  1. Pointx

    First Outdoor Winter Grow with Auto's

    Just about finished with my first outdoor winter grow and could not be happier!!! I grew G13 auto ak with 100% organic tea mix. This being my first outdoor crop I was not expecting much, but damn I am really happy with the results so far. G13 auto Ak seems really stable, all seeds cracked and...
  2. Pointx

    thank you servicemen

    Props to all that have served or have lost someone who has!!!! Many thanks.....
  3. Pointx

    HID Light Spectrum with LED upgrade

    I'm thinking 2 more weeks, but that's just a guess. I would rather go over ripe then under.
  4. Pointx

    Can I Push this 3 more weeks? Opinions please

    Here is a update from tonight of one of my 4 ladies without my led's on. Thinking might go 1 more week full nutes then drop down to half for the final week for a total of 7 weeks. If they don't look finished by then I'll keep going for a additions few days..
  5. Pointx

    HID Light Spectrum with LED upgrade

    Here is a shot of 1 of my 4 ladies without the led's.... Each girl has about 24 buds of equal or close to equal size.
  6. Pointx

    HID Light Spectrum with LED upgrade

    Thanks Elroy, oops mean BluntM8
  7. Pointx

    HID Light Spectrum with LED upgrade

    Here's a quick update, growth has been super fast and pretty happy so far with the light combo. Not much longer to go I guess!
  8. Pointx

    Can I Push this 3 more weeks? Opinions please

    Defiantly not ready yet, but don't think it will go the 8 weeks either. The buds are so damn dense its crazy.
  9. Pointx

    Can I Push this 3 more weeks? Opinions please

    Well, I am honestly not 100% certain, but maybe 80%!!! I have a hard time using the damn Radio shack microscope, plus the glass gets covered in resin and its hard to clean.
  10. Pointx

    Can I Push this 3 more weeks? Opinions please

    Somewhere between 5-6 weeks (violator kush) buds are size of baseballs and as hard as same! Showing 75% mostly cloudy Trics, with some clear and amber on balance. Do you think going another 2-3 weeks is doable? Trying to figure out when to start flushing (in hydroton) and also make some travel...
  11. Pointx

    whats the cause

    Hard to tell from the pictures but is that a clone or from seed? I have had clones look like that if kept really wet and sprayed too often. Usually always looks better for me after a week of settling in. If its from seed, I'm sure the experts can help you.
  12. Pointx

    10 Days Into Flowering and Need Some Input...See pics!

    Nice, since this is a MJ problem thread, Ill jam out some "Fade to black" tomorrow for my girls and see if that will pick them up. If that does not work, going with some more N for a week and see if that does the trick:bigjoint: cheers...
  13. Pointx

    10 Days Into Flowering and Need Some Input...See pics!

    Of course I do!!! Like old School metal almost as much as Classic Rock. I have even trained my 21yo to love old school music.
  14. Pointx

    10 Days Into Flowering and Need Some Input...See pics!

    What looks trippy? By the way huge Iron Maiden fan, First show in 1984
  15. Pointx

    10 Days Into Flowering and Need Some Input...See pics!

    Thanks for the input and suggestions. I was thinking that as well, possibly switched to Bloom a little too early. Ill up the Nitrogen for a week more and see what happens. I know I had some Fungus Gnats, but think I licked them pretty quick. Have not seen a flier for a week or so, but possibly...
  16. Pointx

    10 Days Into Flowering and Need Some Input...See pics!

    A polite bump with new picture. Still looking for some guidance or input on the above mentioned issues....bongsmilie
  17. Pointx

    Hydroton discontinued????

    I'm no expert when it comes to Hydroton but 3 of my Pots are with Viastone and 1 is with original Hydroton and I see no differance among them. They both require lots of cleaning prior to use but not a big deal. The Viastone seems to have darker brown appearance. I actually just top dressed my...
  18. Pointx

    10 Days Into Flowering and Need Some Input...See pics!

    Just moved thread over, hopefully I get some direction or opinions.... Cheers
  19. Pointx

    10 Days Into Flowering and Need Some Input...See pics!

    Just about 10 days into flowering and seems to be yellowing a bit and also a tad droopy. Please take a look and let me know if you have any ideas what might be causing this or maybe its not really a big deal. Lights............... 600 HPS and 240 of Led 14" Medium.............Hydroton...