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  1. B

    Anyone always have suicidal thoughts?

    I can't stand that response. Suicide is never the answer for YOU. I see it as the ultimate freedom of choice. No one can tell you what you should be willing to endure. Nobody else has walked in your shoes. They may have similarities in their life experiences but they aren't you. You are uniquely...
  2. B

    doomed country

    Issues DON'T matter. Politics are are popularity contest for the rich. None of them care about you. Did you donate a few million to any campaigns. No you didn't. Then they don't care about you. When you want to divide and conquer, politics are probably the best tool of division you could use...
  3. B

    Most reliable seedbank?

    If you are in one of the 11 states that Chicago customs serves, I'd stay away from overseas banks to avoid headaches.
  4. B

    Is your wife jelly?

    You too bud. The stuggles give solid relationships substance and strength. The few bumps we had in the first couple years only made us stronger and set a great foundation for us. Without the yang the yin could never be as sweet. Stay medicated big guy.
  5. B

    Is your wife jelly?

    My woman told me yesterday that she only stays with me because I grow some good shit. lol I got a good laugh out of it. Then she started trying way too hard to convince me that she was just joking afterwards. She's so insecure and unsure of herself at times. lol I love the hell out of her. I...
  6. B

    Why is Rollitup on this list of scams?

    They were most likely called out by many of those they list and are trying to spread disinformation in retaliation. Hell hath no fury like a scammer scorned.
  7. B

    Seedsman is amazing

    Where are you getting this "less than 3% get checked" from? That's mathematically impossible with the orders I had confiscated. There is no way I just happened to fall into that 3% on 7 out of 10 orders. No one is that unlucky. They have x-ray machines with algorithms that pick out anomalies and...
  8. B


    My bad, I was high AF when I wrote that. I was going to say, they are starting to show signs of slight issues. He is a reseller. I've seen the price tag sticker in euros on a couple packs. So whichever supplier he's getting them from or whomever is receiving his shipments could be to blame for...
  9. B


    No not a scammer. He did good the first time around. Very fast shipping and some of the other packs I got were decent quality. It just looks like responses to various emails. I was just sent an email saying he was sending a replacement. I wasn't wanting a refund. I was just asked him what was...
  10. B


    He finally got back to me. He said they were out of some of the things I ordered and he'd send a refund. During my searches I ran across another review on the Autoflower forum that said the beans they got turned out to be nothing like what they ordered. Very dark purple almost black. The...
  11. B

    Pacific seedbank?

    They probably gave him an auto. What are you talking about with a light leak? He said the lights don't go off. There is no dark period for light to leak into.
  12. B


    Apparently this middleman is starting to have issues. I ordered twice from them last year with 2 smaller orders to test them out. Both came very quickly and were correct in breeder's packs. A few weeks ago I made a $300 order. The shipping label was made but the tracking number has shown that...