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  1. S

    150w HPS

    so i have a grow box that is 4ft tall 2ft long and 2ft. currently im growing two plants under cfls but very curious in a hps system. what i am wondering is how close could these lights get in well vented sealed box? id like to grow my plants to be about 3 1/2 ft but i dont think i could achieve...
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    Cfl grow

    so things having been going better im still seeing some nute burn. today i transplanted plants into mg organic mix with added perlite. the bigger plant is 35 days old and i guess has a tri foliage? three leaves each node. plant number 2 is about 20 days old. will be switching to 12/12 in about 2...
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    Cfl grow

    hahahaha yeah then i guess we both made the noob mistake... i will be switching to new soil before flowering tho. that way i control what nutes the plant is getting. im trying to do this grow as simple as possible. on a pretty tight budget as well. so we will see how this goes. ive done hours of...
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    Cfl grow

    Thanks for your guys help i believe the source of my problem is from over watering and with the mg soil. i over watered and with mg having a lot of nutes this totally burned my plant. watering is now under control and my plant seems to be doing much better.
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    Cfl grow

    if any body can help with problem plant heres a link to another thread i have
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    Cfl grow

    this is my first grow and i am very excited!. I am running 3 23w 6500k and 2 23w 5000k lights. my grow room is 2x2x4 and i am building a box to these specs. Growing in a soil mix of MG seed starter and MG potting soil with added compost. i have run in to a nute burn problem on the bigger plant...
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    Mg deficiency and heat stress/burn?

    UPDATE: lower leaves all look bad but there has been new growth in the secondary and little on top. my watering schedule is wednesday and saturday now. i feel like this is just nute burn from the mg. im looking for a organic soil locally for the new little guy. i havent been able to find ffof...
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    Smoking near plant

    how bad is it to smoke near a plant? such as smoking cannabis or tobacco. i want to hear your facts/opinions.
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    Mg deficiency and heat stress/burn?

    this is the compost i used. this isnt "hot" is it? is this soil mixture any good or do you guys think im leading my self into a wall? being that its January i dont really know where a good place to get stuff is.(i prefer to not buy over the internet) let me know what you guys think.
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    Mg deficiency and heat stress/burn?

    thanks for the advice stewartwarner i backed my lights off a bit and wont water for a few days. (i had watered the day before i took pic) so i will stand by and see what happens. I got a question for ya guys. if i don't have a light proof room would doing a 18/6 schedule be bad during veg state...
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    Mg deficiency and heat stress/burn?

    hey there everyone this is my first post here and i am glad to become a member. this is my first time grow and i have been running into a few issues so any help would be greatly appreciated! so ill start off with my setup as current. My grow room is a 2x2x5 spot in my closet. i am running 3 23w...