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  1. S

    Online Head Shop Advice

    CN, I got to thinking and I feel like I should wait until I have a bit more to offer because at this point I'd just be bumming. Even if it wouldn't cost anything I'd like to feel like I could pay if I had to. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction though, I will surely follow up on that...
  2. S

    Online Head Shop Advice

    Thanks for letting me know. I just read the sticky in the glass section and it looks like they'd rather I sponsor the site, which is totally reasonable. I won't spam any further and I'll look into advertising officially once I have extra money for it.
  3. S

    Online Head Shop Advice

    Thanks! I think it might have been subliminally there from Nice Dreams, but not a conscious thought.
  4. S

    Online Head Shop Advice

    Haha thanks for the advice, I hadn't thought of using youtube to get the word out and make reviews. I've done some giveaways in the past but I didn't get much out of them. It's still tempting though as it would give me a legitimate excuse to steal a new bong/vaporizer from myself. I actually...
  5. S

    I'm a long time on and off lurker, but I've come to say hello!

    Hi everyone! I've always loved lurking and following various grow ops on here, though I've never had the chance to grow myself. I am still quite fond of the pot so I managed to get into it in other ways - namely through consumption but I also run a small online head shop. I came here in hopes...
  6. S

    Online Head Shop Advice

    Hey guys, I'm new to the community and I was hoping to get some objective criticism for my small business. I run an online head shop called I've been running it for a year but I don't have very much money to put into it having been unemployed since I graduated last May. I'm...