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  1. I

    Programable Timmes

    awesome got a link or brand name ??
  2. I

    What is the best co2 monitor for bottles?

    there are a few DYI options open to you MG811 is a co2 sensor for the adruino you can pick up the sensor for bout 35.00 and the arduino for bout 30.00 plug them up input a little code and be good to go and this will be far better and cheaper than any sensor you can buy from a store it can give...
  3. I

    Programable Timmes

    im about to start using Co2 in my garden and im looking for a really detailed programmable timer im looking for one that will allow for this 10 mins on 50 min off and be able to run this cycle no less than 18 times in a 24 hour period i ordered a MG811 Co2 sensor and a RTC module for my...