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  1. Emericaridr11

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    7 grams from 130 grams trim... about what i was expecting, i was afraid to beat the DRY DRY trim too much After a good quick Cure in the jar (still needs a week at least) it smells dank, still got a goofyish taste, hoping a week/2weeks cure will solve that so for how dry the trim was, like...
  2. Emericaridr11

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    indeed doing multi runs, maybe ill add it to 3-5 mins on this one, what ive been told is mix less for dry my camera sucks but ill try haha I dont know just have that... uh oh feeling gotta be mad gentle i guess
  3. Emericaridr11

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    1 to 2 mins will be perfect for my first run.... thanks for the tip though, i never mix over 7-10 mins on my first run, just how i do always hand mixing, i keep everything super cold by keeping the bucket in the fridge im curious to see how this goes never used dry dry trim before, i have a bad...
  4. Emericaridr11

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    yeah i dont think you understand what im saying..... im gonna let it soak for 30 mins..... mix it for a min, then pull ONLY the 220,190,and 160 bag.... THEN i set it in the fridge for 2 hours to let the heavy trichs fall and all the loose weed scuff float to the top, so i can scrape what left...
  5. Emericaridr11

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    well your stuff looks mad dry? is it? anywho like i said im gonna let it soak what im wondering is if i let it sit for 2-3 hours in the water..... after i pull the dirt bags (220,190,160) will letting the trichs sit in water that long ruin anything like smell or taste? alot of my material is...
  6. Emericaridr11

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    could use some advice (sorry long post) I have some REALLY dry trim from a buddy who wants to get off bho, blah blah its dank, crystally, but dry as a the point where its already turned some into powder from handeling the bag 1. what if I let it rehydrate for 30mins in water and...
  7. Emericaridr11

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    Oh MattRize...... i must say Colorado Thanks You! (and Nikka) everyone love this stuff! 303 Love this also helped me alot cheers yall
  8. Emericaridr11

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    cheers Poplars, got me some good sugar leaf now... gonna try this soon should I microPlane all of it? of leave some in chunks too?..... guess its more a Preference thing?
  9. Emericaridr11

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    quite the bummer huh, quick responses here..... by the way, this is probably the best "thread" i have ever read
  10. Emericaridr11

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    here is my question..... do you microplane ALL of it? or leave a good amount in little chunks? and when the pulled hash is put onto the drying screen (provided by the bags) do you spread it out with a spoon? or leave it as is (chunked)? ive noticed alot of your chunks (pics) are really thin...