Use the grow as I have been at a 3:1 ratio with the bloom threw till the end?? Or use only grow till the end?? Please clarify as I've seen many recipes which seem to be debated...will soon get the protect as all the recipes call for it but if I have bottle of cilica isn't it the same for some...
Ok nevermind did the math and old mix comes to 9.8 ml of bloom per gal so I think I should be fine but any input would be appreciated ....I'm using promix hp in 10 gal pots which are more truthfully only like 8 gal in reality don't know why they call em 10s would also like to incorperate other...
Hi new to the forum used dyna gro few years bak was great....tried organics now switching back home brewer I used to mix a cup and a quarter of the bloom into 30 gal of water and just feed from there I used no protect or anything else just bloom to say the least it was good enough but left...