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  1. N

    URGENT help needed !

    It's ALIVE! Shes up again. Don't know what happened, but shes okay know. I didn't know that they were able to change looks so fast though! wow! Thanks for all the great advice.
  2. N

    URGENT help needed !

    Feminized seeds ;)
  3. N

    URGENT help needed !

    Hey. I just made a thread because my plant was stretching a little and it looked like this: I got fast replies and i used the replant those stretchy stems guide. I picked up the plant with ALOMST all the roots and then put it back in the pot with a little soil in it and filled it. This is...
  4. N

    Is she stretching?

    Btw. What is more effective? to bury the stem like mcwippin suggest or to support it with a tootpick? And thanks for the fast replies! :D
  5. N

    Is she stretching?

    I have got a 125 w cfl. I have now moved it aprox 2 inches close to the plant. And i already have a fan blowing 24/7 directly at it. I will go buy some toothpicks tomorrow. When a toothpick is supporting will she automaticly thicken her stem?
  6. N

    Is she stretching?

    Hey guys This little babe popped out of the soil 5 days ago and she looks like this: My question is whether she is stretching for the light? Or is she looking okay? //NeedWeed1
  7. N

    Cloning autos?

    Hey growers. I have searched and i can't seem to find the answer for this question. Can you take clones off your auto plants? If so, when can i begin taking them? Thanks a bunch! //NeedWeed1
  8. N

    Is there something wrong?

    Thank you very much!
  9. N

    Is there something wrong?

    Thanks for the fast reply man! youre the best :)
  10. N


    Is it okay all through the lifespan? From seedling to cutting? And thank for the fast reply!
  11. N

    Is there something wrong?

    Hello people My plant sprouted three days ago and it is growing fast and well. But one of the leaves is kinda pointing in the air as you can see below: Is there something wrong or is it just "settling"? I have a 125 cfl lamp set up 4 inches from the plant. I really hope you guys can help...
  12. N


    Hello growers. I have set up a grow room in a closet and it is going pretty well. You can see my setup below: I am going to set up a couple of more plants later today. Anyways. My only problem is the humidity. I cant get it over 40% which is too low as far as i have read. How can i get the...