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  1. phatsexygirlz

    Do It Yourself PowerBox with 30amp Relay?

    never mind i found it on this wonderfull site
  2. phatsexygirlz

    Do It Yourself PowerBox with 30amp Relay?

    Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on in a long time but I have a problem. I once found a link for sweet do it your self guide to a home made powerbox exactly like the one pictured here: I made one about 4 years ago, and bookmarked the site but lost all my bookmarks and game mine away. It was really...
  3. phatsexygirlz

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    exactly! I screwed the ground ring in and its still read "Open Ground", i thought when you screwed that in that it meant it would be grounded but oh well, we'll figure something else out.. thanks for answering !
  4. phatsexygirlz

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    i gotta question if someone is still there, I'm helping my friend start up at grow room but his house is hella old and only has 2 pronged outlets, so we installed one of those adapters but when we plug a ground tester in to it, it...
  5. phatsexygirlz

    Interrupted light cycle during flowering

    anybody still there? quick question i am about a week or so away form harvest. tomorrow will be exactly 8 weeks of flowering and i go into my room to water, AND I LEFT THE OVERHEAD LIGHT ON above my garden. after 3+ months i was so good at not leaving it on untill now. so my entire room has...
  6. phatsexygirlz

    New to Growing

    LIGHT CYCLE INTERRUPTED ANYBODY GOT IDEAS????? sorry to post here, but im in a hurry i am about a week or so away form harvest. tomorrow will be exactly 8 weeks of flowering and i go into my room to water, AND I LEFT THE OVERHEAD LIGHT ON above my garden. after 3+ months i was so good at not...
  7. phatsexygirlz

    Light cycle interupted??!?

    i am about a week or so away form harvest. tomorrow will be exactly 8 weeks of flowering and i go into my room to water, AND I LEFT THE OVERHEAD LIGHT ON above my garden. after 3+ months i was so good at not leaving it on untill now. so my entire room has been under two cfls for the last 24...
  8. phatsexygirlz

    whats the difference? and this C.A.P. says theirs is just for cloning? they seem the same to me cept one...
  9. phatsexygirlz

    Cracked bulb Help please.

    i always neem when the lights are off, i guess its possible one little drop hit the bulb and didn't evaporate before i turned on the lights, i usually wait a little while after i spray em to turn on the lights and i'm carefull not to mist the bulbs so still wtf. That's the only thing i can think of
  10. phatsexygirlz

    Cracked bulb Help please.

    so what the fuck i took a closer look at my other bulbs. and one of them looks like it has a tiny tiny crack just starting, BUT I HAVEN"T DONE ANYTHING rough on them. It doesn't make sense. The only thing i have done is clean them a couple times with a lint free cloth to get some gnats off and...
  11. phatsexygirlz

    Cracked bulb Help please.

    well 3 weeks was pretty laughable. i took it down and the "microscopic crack" spread into a 8 milimeter long crack in less than 3 hours. deffinitly wouldn't have made it through the night. Thanks for all your advice all you guys you saved my cheap ass.
  12. phatsexygirlz

    Cracked bulb Help please.

    i have read a book i'm not a total newbie, the book says minimum 10000 lumens per square foot but thanks for the lowes suggestion i had no idea they had 600 watt bulbs for 20 -30 bucks i'll shoot down there and pick one up tomorrow
  13. phatsexygirlz

    Cracked bulb Help please.

    Damn! i guess i'll take it out now. you fellas sound pretty sure so thanks for the advice, i swear though its almost microscopic you can barely see it! i thought it was a gnat and tried to clean it but upon closer inspection you can tell its a little crack and the glass is even a little brown...
  14. phatsexygirlz

    Cracked bulb Help please.

    well shit i don't think i can afford another bulb, i maxed out my credit cards setting up the grow room, 4 600's over 41 plants SOG. and just can't swing it. but if all you guys so its a bad idea i'll take it out tomorrow
  15. phatsexygirlz

    Cracked bulb Help please.

    thanks bro i plugged it in anyway and put a lightweight shirt over the plants and nothing exploded. but i'm still nervous
  16. phatsexygirlz

    Cracked bulb Help please.

    I just noticed a teeny tiny crack on my 600 watt bulb. its so small i couldn't get a decent picture of it. It looks like the little metal bar that runs length wise with the bulb barely touched the inside of the glass cuz its really really close to the glass. Its my first grow and i couldn't find...
  17. phatsexygirlz

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    How much should an electrician in CA charge for installing a 50 amp outlet? Basically I want to know how much an electrician would charge to install that. I was given an estimate at about $150, just wanted to know if that's reasonable. The 50 amp outlet will be going in right below my panel box...
  18. phatsexygirlz

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    I just got a nice free sealed reflector with a socket and cord thats connected directly into a 400 watt ballast.(its actually wired into the ballast) does anyone know if i can just cut it free from the ballast and wire a hydrofarm adapter to it so i can plug it into my 600 watt electronic ballast
  19. phatsexygirlz

    600 watt hortilux this website claims the 600 watt hortilux hps should not be used with electronic/digital ballasts. should i be concerced or anybody think thats bullshit?
  20. phatsexygirlz

    SoG Grow Room Discussion

    Hey all! its my first time SOG grow and i have been searching all over the forum for info on pruning. I know there is a way to prune the plant to keep it from branching. I want nice straight colas. any info on strains that have very little branching or that like to grow in a single cola would...