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  1. X

    An interesting problem to have, "Am I growing ornamental ground cover?"

    They still have dust, and still require cleaning after, so not sure there would be much difference. Only thing I can offer is that Growstone are easier to stack up in the net pot, to cover over holes so that light doesn't get into the water.....
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    An interesting problem to have, "Am I growing ornamental ground cover?"

    Yes, growstones in there (what, you couldn't see them? :-o)
  3. X

    An interesting problem to have, "Am I growing ornamental ground cover?"

    Growing 3 different variants in my tent, under Solar Storm 400 (very nice LED light, way better than my previous light, ProGrow 400). 2 of the plants are in DWC, third was transplanted back into soil, because the seedling just never got into DWC. Still in veg mode, 24/7 All 3 are doing great...
  4. X

    I think I'm growing a plant sized for Barbie & Ken!

    Just an update, don't give up on your plants! (like anyone would....) I took my "Ken & Barbie" WW/Cheese variant out of my DWC set up, and planted in soil mix. Responded very well, here she is now, a month later: And I left the Sleestack in the DWC, and she is doing very well also. I'm...
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    I think I'm growing a plant sized for Barbie & Ken!

    Thanks; a basic marketing thing, you have to use a headline catchy enough to get the viewers attention. Now, if I can just get answers :lol:
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    I think I'm growing a plant sized for Barbie & Ken!

    That's the strange thing, it just "sits there", no signs to indicate what is bothering her!
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    I think I'm growing a plant sized for Barbie & Ken!

    OK, so I started these from seed, and began with a perlite/peat mix, in seed starter tray. They weren't taking off much, compared to last year's process, so I looked into, and built a DWC system with reservoir. I transplanted my little seedlings out of the soil mix, lightly shook off excess...
  8. X

    So, What causes the buds to be airy and not dense and solid

    Thanks for the reply! will keep the temps down; I grow indoors in the winter in New England, so not a problem, particularly since I'm using LEDs. Thanks also for not getting into the sideways debate about "LED's versus MH/HID"..... :)
  9. X

    So, What causes the buds to be airy and not dense and solid

    I'll try lower temps for the next grow. My wife gave me Ed Rosenthal's "Marijuana Growers Handbook" for Christmas, and it seemed his thoughts were that temps should be up in the high 80's, have to re-read that section. Anyways, looking forward to the new grow with the SolarStorm. 5W LED...
  10. X

    LED grow and the buds seem "airy", not dense

    pots were gallon size, certainly didn't seem root bound when I harvested, still lots of room to grow there.... checked pH regularly, and I'm on good quality well water, so don't think that would be an issue.
  11. X

    LED grow and the buds seem "airy", not dense

    I read another forum/website about trimming and growing, and his recommendation was to trim (and everything we read on the internet is true, correct?). That being said, I didn't prune 2 of the plants, the other 2 were pruned/trimmed. Basically the same results on all 4 plants. Could the...
  12. X

    So, What causes the buds to be airy and not dense and solid

    And yes, I realize that depends on the strain. However, on my first grow I had 4 different plants, grown indoors in a tent, under ProGrow 400 LED. All the plants have airy buds. THC is pretty good on all of them, but just not as dense of a bud as I'd like. Grown in soil, with BigBloom...
  13. X

    LED grow and the buds seem "airy", not dense

    First grow for me, in a 4x4 tent, and I used a combination of the ProGrow 400 LED, and some CFL's to fill in the lower levels. I grew 4 different plants, and they all came in fine, THC levels seem strong, but I'm curious if others have dealt with a similar issue. Not sure if it's related to...
  14. X

    The Myth of IR Signature Detection of Cannabis

    Hmmm, I was just doing some internet searching about the subject of IR detection, and I came across a discussion of the above situation. From what I read, the RCMP were doing a test using satellites, not the more common helicopter searches. Here is what the site said...