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  1. F

    Check this stuff out

    awsome thanks !!
  2. F

    Check this stuff out

    Oh wow I honestly didn't read the amount was just excited about the concentration of it Haha..That does seem a bit expensive
  3. F

    Check this stuff out

    Will be growing in a reservoir in water, but not a circulating system because I'm poor lol. Will be my first time, but I've been doing research on it a bit and growing in soil for a couple years now . I found it when shopping for a root stimulant. I live in a rural area and half to do most of...
  4. F

    Check this stuff out

    Not the best grower yet, but this seems like a cheap investment for a 20-0-0 NPK concentrated batch of ammonium nitrate. Would this be good for a try? what do ya guys think ?
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    Anyone ever use this combination of nutriets and the " Big Bud " also "Overdrive" for flowering? In a hydroponics setup? Are they worth it

    Totes will be 107litres each and house 2 plants each .. or 4 auto flowers .. 2 air stones in each tote. And will flush every week or 2 as needed. my room is a bit funky as I live in a tiny apartment. it's about 7 ft long and only 3 ft wide .. I'm running a viparspectra 700 dimmable series...
  6. F

    Anyone ever use this combination of nutriets and the " Big Bud " also "Overdrive" for flowering? In a hydroponics setup? Are they worth it

    Hmm thanks man I have been using the GH 3 part, but for some reason wanna switch didn't do well my last crop with it and been using for the last couple crops with lower yields aswell that's why I wanna go with the AN instead . JACKS Hydroponics ? Sorry I'm not familiar with this term ( still a...
  7. F

    Anyone ever use this combination of nutriets and the " Big Bud " also "Overdrive" for flowering? In a hydroponics setup? Are they worth it

    I'm a personal medical grower that's grown in soil for a couple years.. still learning lots every grow.. that being said I'm switching to a hydroponic setup and am looking for new nutrient line up (used General Hydroponics) previously. I Heard these where great any ideas ? Would appreciate it...
  8. F

    Anyone use these nutrients together? and are they worth buying for a hydroponic system?

    I'm a personal medical grower that's grown in soil for a couple years.. still learning lots every grow.. that being said I'm switching to a hydroponic setup and am looking for new nutrient line up and heard these where great any ideas ? Would appreciate it also if you have these, did you use...
  9. F

    when the best time to start pinching seedlings for branching

    my goals are too produce a nice tight smaller room with high yield and start perfecting smaller room systems for the future :) preferably 4by 8 tables when i get a place of my own !! .. im growing with soil cause i can move plants around to maximize light distributing for this tiny room...
  10. F

    when the best time to start pinching seedlings for branching

    hey guys i havent been on this site in years but im back !! .. ive done some growing in the past but didnt do it for a while and am a bit rusty would mind getting some good info from some vets in this game as i am starting grow personal legally, and looking to becomae and LP in the near future...
  11. F

    help my 1.5 month old babies got cold shocked( PLease someone )

    ive got some 100% indica Hindu kush growing for mothers and my temp droped to 60-58f wut do i do please are they done for good ?(the leaves have started to discolor from the middle out then i got some tiny spots that almost look like yellowish rusty coluor and they are getting bigger ) wut do i...
  12. F

    cold shocked veging plants seeding 60-58F

    yup it finally happend lol i go away for a couple of days, have everything set perfectly and the dam power goes off twice while i was away lol. lucky my timers switch to battery power lol , but i got a question for all you growers out there. the 5 plants i had growing for more than a month now...
  13. F

    Is smoke from woodstove good for plants?

    yes but my woodstove does heat my room but from far away i have an temostate controlled inline fan hooked up threw a wall put a 12"duct 15ft long, and and in a totally secluded room is it still dat detrimental? really
  14. F

    Is smoke from woodstove good for plants?

    the question is plain is smoke from burning wood healthy for your plants? (let the good time keep on rollin):bigjoint:
  15. F

    a lighting table setup good or bad (a buddies fued)

    but the plants in the middle will get suffocated therefore producing less bud (my reply) aswell as you wont be able to get into the bed in the middle at 5ft wide (let the good times keep on rollin):bigjoint:
  16. F

    a lighting table setup good or bad (a buddies fued)

    he guys im helping a budy setup and he made a box set up for soiled plants (wut he thinks will be a sea of green) the box is 5ft by 7ft long by 9.5 inches deep. he has two tracks with two 1000watt lights, One light is a hooded fan light, the other a flat hood. he thinks if he puts the light side...
  17. F

    got a hindu kosh strain from a budy (3 seeds) IS IT ANY GOOD

    hey guy just wondering if anyone has grown this strain before lol, cause i never even heard of it lol. anybudy have some good or bad reveiws on this perticular strain P.S. (let the good times keep on rollin):bigjoint:
  18. F

    using mylar somehow to make a hood for a 400 hps

    hey guys ive recently started growing a mother room and have a 400 hps bulb in there, but i think i might have a issue with the hood. I think its to small and doesnt distribute light properlly to the whole room so im thinking of making a bigger hood with mylar anybudy got any ideas or imaginary...
  19. F

    temperature control during light off period (noobie question lol)

    so i started a mother room for the first time lol, iv got everything set up my plants about 8 inch"S from light (400 HPS) my day temp is around 72-76 degrees F. Now during the light off period my temp goes down to 65-69 is this bad for my plants? is two cold during the light off peroid? P.s...