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  1. biigpiig

    Marijuana Seeds

    the trichs..i have two colores gold and silver..if we talking abouth same things?
  2. biigpiig

    Marijuana Seeds

    what you mean..something like sosage? so..if i put my seeds in the frige,thay wiil stay for a year.its not bad...last sprig i germinate 3 plats of WW..they was very good and srong,but is ending mow..and i want to find a way how to make my ladys ready for fucking(meam smoking) me..:joint:
  3. biigpiig

    Marijuana Seeds

    from the moon..:hug:..and come with pease:joint:..if i do something i want to make it righ:)..and i;ve got many qestions..
  4. biigpiig

    Marijuana Seeds

    thank's ..another qestion..i hope that i didn't boared you..can i put a different tipe of seeds in one plase,i mean in one room,not in a one box..:hump:
  5. biigpiig

    Marijuana Seeds

    I want to ask u lomg time seeds can stay in bag,paper(in something) before u start to use them-put to it something happed to seeds if thay stay long time in pac..i realy want to know this ting,because i have 20 seeds(10snow white feminized,10jack horror) and i must...
  6. biigpiig

    how long you take a care about the plants?

    how long you take a care about the plants?
  7. biigpiig

    Jack horror seeds???

    it doesn't matter is it Jack Horrow or Jack Herrer,i thing that is same like White Widow i Snow White.more important is to grow it up.i want to ask something..can i put to grow my seeds now,and if do it now what will hapend..and can i put in the same room WS(white snow) & JH(jack Horror)? i...
  8. biigpiig

    Jack horror seeds???

    i have some seeds.a friend of mine is giving to me..i'm from BG ang here is a littel dificulte to find some good shits.i hope that everithing will be ok :)