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    bugs eating plants - nematodes in the ground? (pic)

    so is there nobody who has dealt with worms in the ground? any suggestions? please, someone help :(
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    bugs eating plants - nematodes in the ground? (pic)

    hello everybody, it's not long ago that i discovered little yellow dots on some leaves (see pics), which later developed into holes - obviously something eating the plants. i tried to find the bastard, several times i saw something little flying around, once or twice i even killed something that...
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    neem oil - where to buy?

    Hi growers, I read about this neem oil, good against mildew, bugs etc. I can't find a place to buy it. Even people in growshops don't know it. Where do you buy it? (netherlands)
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    top leaves yellow dots (pics)

    no nutes yet. i just went to a local growshop and was advised to kill the little beast of an insect feeding on it... apparently, it's the most healthy and efficient way of getting rid of it. i'm gonna give it a try..
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    top leaves yellow dots -> little holes

    Hi guys, younger leaves are getting yellow dots which eventually develop into small holes (don't know yet whether they're getting bigger, i.e. whether the leave is being "eaten up" from within.. check the pics there...
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    top leaves yellow dots (pics)

    it can't be that since they're outdoor.. gonna look at the deficiencies.. anyone else any suggestion??
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    top leaves yellow dots (pics)

    Hi guys, one of my plants is getting small yellow dots on the top leaves (even the newest ones), which seem to want to develop into holes... see the pics. anything to do with it?
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    Hey guys, talking about topping (I'm growing for the first time), how precisely should it be done? Do I simply cut it at the top of the main stem? ... don't want to do anything wrong :? if anyone knows a good thread about topping, please refer me, thnx
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    too big leaves

    Hey, our young plants are growing outdoor and it seems that the big leaves aren't letting enough energy to the smaller ones.. look at the picture.. is that fine? no problem? or should we do anything special? thnx.
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    powdery mildew in first 3 weeks

    Hi, I think my plants are getting what people refer to as powdery mildew.. I removed the affected leaves (which are at the bottom). What is the best thing against it, if anything? I'm growing outdoor in Holland and it's kind of wet here, so I guess the problem can reappaer.. any suggestions?
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    powdery mildew in first 3 weeks

    Hi, my plants are very young, only about 20cm tall and the lower leaves seem to be getting what people refer to as "powdery mildew". Is there a chance to save those children or should buy new ones as soon as possible? I already removed the infected leaves, but it might be too late... :cry: Thanx.