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  1. B

    would please someone explain molasses. to me.

    unsulfered, blackstrap, Why ? cause it works
  2. B

    Roughly, how much does it cost?

    after your bag seed gets some growth to it, try to take some numbered/named cuttings and sex them in the dark. Then you will know whats male and you can destroy them
  3. B

    Speed driing?

    well try it then, bash it if u must, but until u do and of course slow cure is better but thats not what He asked
  4. B

    Speed driing?

    ahhh, put it in a jar or glass,cover it with saran wrap or use a plastic lid. put it in the microwave, power level 2 for 3 minutes dump it out let dry a few minutes, repeat with a dry container, after two or three times it will be just right. it comes out about 80% as good as slow cured and...