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  1. popcornplaya11

    Oil and butter

    yes its the same thing you just simmer the weed in the oil for about an hour to get all the thc out of it. it works the same way as butter
  2. popcornplaya11


    will they ship to u.s.? and is it only paid by cc?
  3. popcornplaya11

    shitty luck

    think i might start germinating and plant one at the lake in my back yard haha what yall think?
  4. popcornplaya11

    shitty luck

    no i cared for it i think it might have been my mom sprayed shit on it cuz she always does shit like that to piss me off like flushing the stash and not tellin me or killin my weed plant :/ o well guess i just got to plant a etter one
  5. popcornplaya11

    shitty luck

    :confused:so yesterday i woke up and my plant was dead, the whole thing turned brown and was laying down instead of standing upright like it had been since i started growing it.. sad day
  6. popcornplaya11

    Freddy Phox

    whats that mean?:spew:
  7. popcornplaya11


    ya i got off work and went to go look at my plant cuz i forgotit was dead :confused: so now i have to wait prob a long time till i get another good dro seed :(
  8. popcornplaya11


    so i woke up this morn and my plant looks dead.. anything i can do?
  9. popcornplaya11

    Freddy Phox

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> look at this shit my boss told me to wath...
  10. popcornplaya11

    can u make lsd like this

    i really wish i could find some A... cant find that shit anywhere around me :(
  11. popcornplaya11


    thanks for the input guys, keep in touch.
  12. popcornplaya11


    okay just thought of another question lol sorry im a noob sad to say. but when should i put my plant in a bigger pot?
  13. popcornplaya11


    ya since i put some nutrients on that bad girl it has shot up like a rocket. i have another question,so far my plant has one section of leaves and then there is about another inch of stem i was wondering if i wanted to tie it down would i do it in the middle of the second one and what is a good...
  14. popcornplaya11


    sweet maybe that will make my plant normal.. do you think that 2" tall for three weeks is kinda small?
  15. popcornplaya11


    what would slightly burnt look like?
  16. popcornplaya11


    my plant had stopped growing and then i gave it a little bit of nutes and put a little new dirt in with the old and it has doubled in size in 3 days... my plant was 3 weeks old on june 6 08.. when should i go full on with the nutes? :mrgreen:
  17. popcornplaya11

    Peoples weelky consumption of ganja

    the original flavor is my fav... grape used to be my rillo of choice but then the flavor just got old and started to taste like strait shit.
  18. popcornplaya11

    Peoples weelky consumption of ganja

    and only dro nothing less i dont fucks with shitty weed
  19. popcornplaya11

    Peoples weelky consumption of ganja

    today is the first time in a long time where i havent got high as a bitch... been a pretty shitty day to considering i sat on my ass all day doing nothing.. wouldn be so bad if i was occupied but i got a bout 2 bowls left so i think that might get me a buzz at least... but on how much a week...
  20. popcornplaya11

    stuff you do while high, and dont realize it

    haha i got a good one... one time got home from "school" instead i was blazin up all day and came home for dinner and my parents made hamburgers and i put everything on my burger except the actual hamburger. my dad was like wtf me and my friend laughed so hard while we were eating lol good times