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  1. X

    transplanting from outside to inside

    is this possible... i got several plants growing outside (how they started growing i dont know) but i found them randomly and i would like to take them in and actually take care of em, if this possible and if so is there a correct guide to doing this, i dont wanna fuck them up or anything...
  2. X

    smoking a plant

    lol alright thx. problem is though its outside. you wouldnt happen to know any guides on transplanting a plant from outside to inside and making it work.... or is there a possibility i could clone it etc etc
  3. X

    transplanting from outside to inside

    Anyone know any guides or what i can do to go about doing this, i have plants growing outside and would like to transplant them inside.... a guide or some tips would be great.
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    smoking a plant

    Can you smoke a plant without it being harvested, and what sort of effect will it have? I'm tempted to smoke this baby.