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  1. M

    DWC rookie mistske

    Thanks a lot ppl, I checked this morning after my lights came on and my leaves were happy again, but just to be sure I added the H202 as a precaution, and will definitely keep an eye out for the hermie, lesson learned, I gotta pay close attention to what I am doin in my garden
  2. M

    DWC rookie mistske

    Can someone help, I recently begin my first DWC experience and have had a blast doing it. My Veg was awesome and I switched to flower about 2 weeks ago, 2 days ago I changed my reservoir and yesterday notice a slight wilt, thinking that I might have over feed I allowed nature to take its course...
  3. M

    Growing Seems Impossible to me

    Can someone help, I recently begin my first DWC experience and have had a blast doing it. My Veg was awesome and I switched to flower about 2 weeks ago, 2 days ago I changed my reservoir and yesterday notice a slight wilt, thinking that I might have over feed I allowed nature to take its course...