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  1. P

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Don't pay the simple minded ones any attention hank123. Some fools have nothing better to do than cause drama. Neither were probably smart enough to look at this thread before ordering. They also didn't go through the same customs center with the same packaging. This thread is about helping...
  2. P

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Agreed. the cd cases are not working through California...Other methods are still working but SOS needs to save themselves time and money, along with their customers by changing this particular method!!
  3. P

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    I've been more than patient, but I have to agree with hank123 on this. GUARANTEED STEALTH is not guaranteed nor stealth folks. I'm out $250.00 and have the same 2 games and papers from customs. My original order was August 6. i'm glad for those who have received their order, but in my case SOS...
  4. P

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    If you don't mind divulging, did you go through California Customs or elsewhere? Tried to pm you but it wasn't an option. I'm wondering whether my pm has worked when available! lol I sent one to EM a couple days ago and haven't heard back. I know they're half staffed and crazy busy, so i'm...
  5. P

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Brainstorm! damn bro, you should patent that name!
  6. P

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    hank, did you get the green tape or did your package not show at all? You went super stealth?
  7. P

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Thanks for the pm crazykiwi. Not receiving the intact package, i'm not sure how stealthy this was. They knew enough to list 10 strains on my interception notice though! sos was my first time ordering beans after a lot of reading and mostly due to this awesome thread! Now I can't sleep at night...
  8. P

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Yes. They were both sent stealth and tracked. One odd thing is that it was in m p.o box the first time. This time I had to sign! Hope to god that isn't the man wanting my signature lol. Thing that upsets me most is it could have been prevented if whoever took my email would have replied telling...
  9. P

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    that would be awesome! No, I went super stealth.
  10. P

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    E.M. 2 failed packages now. probably put 60 extra miles on my car trying to lose anyone following my green tape. I asked about other methods when I received my first package. I also asked if regular shipping had a more effective rate after being intercepted. I read another similar statement on...
  11. P

    Sea of Seeds Shipping and Payment Info

    2 packages both with green tape. Original order made Aug. 6th. Second failed order Sep. 15th. $250.00 gone and customer service that won't bother replying to any questions you may have after receiving your first failed package which is known by the green tape to locals...