Search results

  1. Bong Wizard

    Ready for harvest?

    I would wait at least a week, maybe 2, just from the pics of the buds. Let the hairs recede into the bud a bit, I see a lot of white hairs sticking straight out of yours. She looks good though man, congrats!!
  2. Bong Wizard

    Is this a Male flower? HELP!!!

    Chop that fucker down. If you have other plants in there, put a garbage bag over the whole plant, and then chop that bitch. That pollen is very easy to transfer. Wash your hands and clothes before going around your ladies if you still have any. Good luck man, peace!!
  3. Bong Wizard

    To Chop..Or not to Chop..

    I think its perfect right now, chop that bitch!!! Great job man, enjoy the smoke.
  4. Bong Wizard

    Not flowering??

    I agree, almost has to be a light leak. Are you 100% sure they are not showing anything??? Get some pics up bud.
  5. Bong Wizard

    Humidity in Drying

    Depending on the size of your box and what kind of air exchange you have, the humidity will raise quite a bit when the buds go in it. I too have a diy dry box. It is a Rubbermaid container with yarn zig zagged across the top. I put a 4" hole on each end and then attached a computer fan powered...
  6. Bong Wizard

    Rooting Gel vs Powder

    I use powder and take 12 clones every two weeks. I have about a 95% success rate.
  7. Bong Wizard

    (PICS) HOW AM I DOING? week 6 flowering day 45 12/12

    Has to be under cfls, those things don't look very healthy man. My avatar pick is about 6 1/2 weeks of 12/12, and I do count from the day I switch.
  8. Bong Wizard

    waste of light?

    Only dangerous if he sleepwalks!! :mrgreen:
  9. Bong Wizard

    Any ideas why my plants grow smaller compared to others?

    Lights are a factor as well as the size of the container they are started in. (This pertains to soil, not sure about other methods.)
  10. Bong Wizard

    101 Already Asked Questions

    Bigger root mass = bigger buds. Brighter lights = bigger buds.
  11. Bong Wizard

    im driving to canada can i bring alittle weed do they search cars

    I'm sure you could find some smoke after you get up there. I just wouldn't risk it man. Good luck!!
  12. Bong Wizard

    What is the Cadillac of trimmers?

    It must be rough!!
  13. Bong Wizard

    Need help wit my ladies

    Would probably get some responses with a pic and a little bit more info.
  14. Bong Wizard

    just curious....anyone have to use saw to cut down plant?

    Damn!!!!! That bitch is thick!!! Very nice man!!
  15. Bong Wizard

    34 days in flower buds were tight now they stretched

    Yeah, pics would be great. I haven't had much trouble with stretching that late. Were your lights moved recently?
  16. Bong Wizard

    How about this one?

    I agree with hugo, 2 weeks at least. I see quite a few white hairs yets and not as plump as they should be. Patience brother, you'll be glad you waited. Good job brother!!
  17. Bong Wizard

    when to water???

    Stick your finger about an inch or two into the soil, if its damp, no water. They don't need much water at this point, same as nutes. If it were me, i'd wait till they have 3-4 nodes before any nutes. Then when you do start, use only about 1/4 strength and gradually work up. Hope this helps...
  18. Bong Wizard

    drying and cureing?????

    Maybe somebody should make some stickies. I would put them in the harvesting and curing section. LOL :lol:
  19. Bong Wizard

    help is this male or female this is from a kiwi seed milky way female pack????/??

    Congrats!!!!! ITS A BOY!!!..........doh...nevermind, wrong occasion. ;-)
  20. Bong Wizard

    cureing and trimming

    Looks a little young to chop yet......:lol: