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  1. Macksepadd

    New stress technique; Rush Limbaugh played daily...

    I used to play Rush, now I play Rush Limbaugh and other ultra-conservative talk radio :shock: I read that bending, crimping, and cropping can boost results... The jury is still out on my new technique, personally I find Herman Cain more funny than stressful but I'm sure grumpy old Mr. Limbaugh...
  2. Macksepadd

    New Grow Space, New Enviroment

    low temps? Use foil covered foam sheets. They come in 4x8 foot sizes and make great light reflectors as a bonus, use a little aluminum duct tape to build any shape box you need. Want a door, vent, cord inlet? Cut it out in 10 seconds, make a mistake? Tape it back up :-) The only down size is...
  3. Macksepadd

    has anyone ever tried a staggered light setup mimmicking the movement of the sun?

    My opinion? You'd spend more than you'd gain. I'd instead buy 6 400 watt and run all 6, better light spread for the same watts/heat and cost allot less the 6 600 watt setups. Less timers and complexity of wiring, etc. Personally I think the primary gain from moving lights is more even...
  4. Macksepadd

    Inout on perpetual setup, please

    My advice in no special order... Don't be discouraged, you are planing which is great and at least have covered some fundamentals (IMHO). Be realistic though, you will fight many variables and just when you think you nail it, something changes. So expect to spend lots of time and probably $...
  5. Macksepadd

    Will carbon filter remove (capture) CO2?

    Thanks J for your response, I understand your point about being wasteful, in this case filtered air is not exhausted outside but instead cleaned air is recycled (think closed loop system). The point of my question is to understand if the filter is capturing any CO2? Is it scientifically...
  6. Macksepadd

    Will carbon filter remove (capture) CO2?

    Simple question, if CO2 enriched air is sent through a standard active charcoal type filter, will the air exiting the filter have less CO2? If someone with a CO2 meter could make a quick test, I would be very grateful, otherwise does anyone have an opinion? Thanks!