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  1. K

    Not sure if I should harvest..

    I tried to take a few more pics here with some natural lighting. I am going to clip a smaller cola off and see if I can cure it for a few days and see how it is. The last two are the blue mystic plants and the rest are the main plant.
  2. K

    Not sure if I should harvest..

    So I'm on day 65 of bloom. I have two blue mystics that absolutely gorgeous and are just coming up ready to harvest. I can see quite a bit of the trichomes are more milky now. I also have my one main plant which looks to be ready but I am not sure as I continue to see spurts of huge calyx...
  3. K

    Leaves are falling off! ~3 weeks left in flower

    homegrwn, thanks for your suggestion. Got me thinking and next time around I am going to add some side lighting to help. here are some more pics, the pistils have now all started turning color and the colas have really started to fill out. Looks to be nature just doing its thing. Thanks again.
  4. K

    How to know when to start flushing

    Hi All, I am nearing my first harvest and wanted to get some input on how others decide when to start flushing. I have been told you need to flush 10-14 days ahead of harvest for various reasons. The pistils on one of my main plants have almost all turned color and a few of the trichomes look...
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    Leaves are falling off! ~3 weeks left in flower

    I'm a bit obsessive and although I only use color drops to test Ph and dont have an exact number I always use the same, quality sourced, RO water to water my plants. The Ph shows to be within the 6.0-6.5 range and the ppm is under 400. So I can't imagine its the problem. As far as the n-p-k, I...
  6. K

    Leaves are falling off! ~3 weeks left in flower

    Hi all, I have noticed a potential problem with my flowering plants. This is my first grow so I am a bit underexpierenced. The first thing I noticed was that the very edges of the leafs were turning up and changing into a dark brownish color. Then the main leaves on the plant began to turn a...
  7. K

    What to do when plant is already flowering and growing too high?

    Hi All, My plants started flowering and one in particular just shot through the roof. I did not top them as it was my first grow and just wanted to see how things went and learn a few things along the way while keeping it simple. I have attached pics from last night but as of right now the...
  8. K

    Possible mold/mildew? Considering pulling

    The humidity is around 35-42% min/max I've been trying to keep it above 40 but have a hard time with the equipment I have. I have a 6" inline duct booster fan blowing air right over the plants now, they all move slightly with the breeze and have a 4" HO pulling out through a carbon filter on...
  9. K

    Possible mold/mildew? Considering pulling

    I appreciate all the feedback, I may be overparanoid but would hate to ignore it and have it get worse. Followed the above suggestion and gave it a very light spray. The pics are blueish due to my LED grow lamp, its got a selective switch which focuses more on the blue spectrum for veg...
  10. K

    Possible mold/mildew? Considering pulling

    Hi Everyone, I took a look over the sticky threads but couldnt find a definite answer, also have the Jorge Cervantes bible and it is leading me to believe that I should pull the plant. I have pictures below, and I am pretty sure that I caused this problem due to bad circulation and leaving...
  11. K

    No 25 Mile Rule, The Legal Battle Has Begun

    Not to dredge up an old thread but what, if anything, is being done to get a ballot out there for next year? I'm new to AZ and MMJ and have started to investigate the issue being a prior certified cultivator in another state. I found the original lawsuit that sparked this thread and the outcome...
  12. K

    Newbie Mistakes/Temp problem

    As an update I have moved the exhaust to pipe through the top flange and am running it to point towards the very top of the closet door. I have one circulating fan outside the tent pushing the air on top out and I bought another circulating fan to blow cool air in through the bottom of the...
  13. K

    Newbie Mistakes/Temp problem

    yes it is and I do like it, the material is very strong and does not tear easily. You get what you pay for definitely with it. Got mine for about $300 from fullbloomhydroponics with a free extension kit. Pretty quick and easy to tear down and move from one room to another too.
  14. K

    Newbie Mistakes/Temp problem

    I dont have any fans circulating air inside yet, was planning on adding those later. Plants are just starting to form their second and third set of true leaves I wasn't worried too much about circulation at this point and my intake duct from the 6" seems to move the air across them just...
  15. K

    Newbie Mistakes/Temp problem

    The tempature was around 86F today when I got home. It has since cooled quite a bit, I have turned both fans off opened the tent up a little and just a little circulation fan trying to move some of the air out of there. Not sure what the actual humidity was and currently is but it seemed pretty...
  16. K

    Newbie Mistakes/Temp problem

    Its humidity and heat actually. I should have noted that the lamp is not a heat issue, it is a pro-grow 400 LED from hydroponics hut and is cool to the touch.
  17. K

    Newbie Mistakes/Temp problem

    Hi Everyone, Hoping for a little help, I have a 2x4x7 grow tent in my closet which is actually a very big closet and more like an office than a closet as far as size goes. I have a 6" inline duct booster fan bringing air in through the bottom left which is actually in the confined corner of...
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    Ventilating Tent Properly?

    The link was the only one I could find, I bought it from a local shop and got a decent deal on it. Spent about $250 for the filter, two fans, flange, and a bunch of other misc. I think the fan was about $80-90 if I remember right. I'll keep your suggestion in mind but I'm more concerned with...
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    Ventilating Tent Properly?

    Hi everyone, I am a bit of a newb to indoor, have some experience with outdoor but have never had to deal with ventilation. I have a 2x4 Gorilla Grow tent ( and have purchased the following for ventilation: 4" High Output Can-Fan...
  20. K

    Few questions before I start my first grow

    Thanks for the post Mylohigh. I am planning on germinating in small rockwool cubes. I have a little box that I am going to use that is pretty air tight so I can keep the humidity up and I will use a CFL until it propagates a bit then transplant the rockwool into the soil. The soil I'm using...