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  1. Y

    Welcome New Members!

    Yo just wanted to say hi let you all no I'm here. I'm running 2 plants in ffof ATM and a few in dwc. I have them all in flower under a mix of cfls 756 total watts yea I no but I must say it is working well. I started them 12/12 after 13 days of veg from sprout I'm pulling around 45-50 g a plant...
  2. Y

    My First DWC System (okay fine, v2.0)

    Just a ? When u top off your ph water do you add nutrients every time?
  3. Y

    Cal mag in dwc with fox farm nutrient?

    I'm new but I would also like to no if I need cal mag but I'm running advanced nutrients sry I couldn't be of help.