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  1. M

    Wow, damn, Sweet! lol. Especially for Northern growers and wanting early finishers!!

    will indeed keep all posted.....I plan on putting half of the gg I get and maybe some of the freebies along with some THC Bomb, Magic Man and then maybe some other single freebies from tudes bday promo......vegging inside until may sometime, hopefully be able to sex them before transplanting...
  2. M

    Wow, damn, Sweet! lol. Especially for Northern growers and wanting early finishers!!

    And I will let all know how things turn out as even though I already have a crapload of seeds right now, I am still going to go ahead and order the Guerilla Gold #3....haven't decided yet on the freebies that I will go for...will decide that after more research on some of the strains...
  3. M

    Wow, damn, Sweet! lol. Especially for Northern growers and wanting early finishers!!

    Only posted it to help others out......if you research the name some and look for reviews (especially on canadian forums) you will see the same as I did in that from everything I have seen they are quite excellent with everything including customer service......seen their name mentioned a few...
  4. M

    My outdoor grow 2012

    Giggity GIGGITY!
  5. M

    1 Plant Grow - New grower - help needed.

    ^^yes exactly that as pretty gutted veggin/planting just one plant only to see nutz on it, having it end up being a crap/bad pheno, poor growth, etc, etc.....sure wouldn't be worth my time and effort for just one plant chancing all that......but thats just me.
  6. M

    Wow, damn, Sweet! lol. Especially for Northern growers and wanting early finishers!!

    Plain and simple....... .....northern growers and people wanting early finishers I think should be bookmarking that site right quick like, lol Wow because I can't believe I never heard of this site before.....damn because I just placed a large order with the tude for their bday...
  7. M

    1 Plant Grow - New grower - help needed.

    Germ first then veg indoors really good for a couple months.....transplant outdoors in a good 20gallons or more of good soil (more soil/larger hole is better than less of course).....not 100% on your area but pretty sure you would be fine doing this and starting your veg now....30days will still...
  8. M

    What to plant??

    Have another question to add to my original post.....looking by my areas daylight hours (listed aug/sept below for reference) looking at this does this mean that I pretty much have to make sure that the flowering time for the strain is as short as possible?....looking at harvesting...
  9. M

    What to plant??

    Just giving the thread a bump for some more recommendations and such.....keeping in mind they will be vegged unitl late april/early may then put outside in16hrdays (okanagan) sept they get down to 12 -13hr days and I am looking for the best of these that will finish late sept/early Oct as we...
  10. M

    What to plant??

    Thanks for the recs guys......quite excited for this as well!!....Keep the recommendations coming!!....Will be planting according to responses here and whats best for my area! And of course once it gets going I will be more than happy to share pics of them along the way!
  11. M

    What to plant??

    Hi All, So I made the plunge and took advantage of Attitudes bday promo and ordered a crapload of 50 for 190 with shirt/guaranteed shipping. soon as they get in I want to get germing a handful veg them inside until late april/early may and throw them
  12. M

    Attitude B-day promo. got my order in. see my picks inside. what did u order????

    Caught the bug after doing a "dont give a fuck" grow so to speak, lol......Going to do it right and proper this next go around.....probably go with 4-6plants under 1000hps......may go with perpetual if I go with 6...haven't quite decided well I am going to do some research and throw a...
  13. M

    The "not so accidental grow" :)....dont try this at home, lol!

    Update!.....Well just smoked a nice j from small underside tester buds that I had picked the night before the post was started....dried a couple days and did a short cure until about a half hour ago......VERY pleased with the resulting smoke! even with only the few days of cure on small popcorn...
  14. M

    Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

    this should be fun!....Belladonna + BC technaflora without a doubt has my vote.
  15. M

    The "not so accidental grow" :)....dont try this at home, lol!

    Yes,already thought of that as I know for sure they were here before as the father in law kept a few of his plants here for a few weeks last year and I seen he had em on his plants then............if I decide to go with an indoor grow while still here then no doubt about it that I will be...
  16. M

    The "not so accidental grow" :)....dont try this at home, lol!

    ok then my bad.....40-60 it is then, lol......those pics were taken early yesterday, lol.....they have been on 12/12 under the 100watt for 6 or 7 weeks now.....but 1 week of that was in the kitchen back under the veg light due as bulb stopped and we had a family emerg so i'm sure that stunted...
  17. M

    The "not so accidental grow" :)....dont try this at home, lol!

    Is the US it wouldn't surprise me in the least if that kind of reasoning held up in court, lmfao!.....would be great if one could actually get away with that but I somehow have my doubts, lol
  18. M

    The "not so accidental grow" :)....dont try this at home, lol!

    F that....I could never live in the US for many of those same reasons/laws but mind you im sure it would be different if your state allowed personal/designated grows as one has to be able to protect themselves if doing so.....srry im just assuming you are in a southern us border state?....warm...
  19. M

    The "not so accidental grow" :)....dont try this at home, lol!

    yep, figured that right quick, lol......................can anyone provide any insight/thoughts on possible things I might be able to do to fatten them up/increase yield and or potency a bit more this late in the game?.....I figure I might have 20-30days MAX left on them but probably closer to...
  20. M

    The "not so accidental grow" :)....dont try this at home, lol!

    Wonderful British Columbia!! fact health Canada wants to know how you are going to be keeping your grow site secure and problem with guns as long as you have your proper licenses for them as well (I have more faith in my dogs anyways, lol)....without a restricted firearms...